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Run away


"I do." Said Jeonghan.

That sparked numerous gasps from the audience, specially from his friends, and specially from the lady standing in front of her. While Jeonghoon who's been wanting this to happen had his crazy grin on his face.

Sowon clearly heard it among all people, but does not want to believe, it.

The Jeonghan she knows will never give up, the Jeonghan she knows will not loose hope. Even the boy thought he couldn't recognize himself anymore, he didn't fight, maybe because his faith has getting worn out.

Jeonghan was unable to cry anymore, he just looked down, completely aware of what he had said. Sowon looked at him, even shaking his hand that was secured in her soft hands, nudging him, but Jeonghan knew what he's done.

The silence was once again broken by the pastor, "As for you Kim Sowon, do you take Yoon Jeonghan as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Sowon did the same as Jeonghan, he stared at the old man, then looked down as she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. Sowon contemplated, but she's finally decided, long silence and  she whispered to herself....

It's time to do my part.....

She looked directly in the eyes of the man, then back to the blonde boy in front of him, wanting to watch his reaction once she says...


"I will not marry Jeonghan."

The said boy suddenly shoot his head up, red puffy eyes enlarging at the girl's statement.

Everyone was shocked, some like Jeonghan's groups of friends happy, while the expecting fathers from both sides were angry and disappointed.

Mixed emotions felt in the atmosphere, but that doesn't matter to Sowon, all she knows is that she made something right. She made something she will never regret, which is letting Jeonghan go.

"Pardon?" the priest asked.

Sowon unclasped her hands from Jeonghan's, then bravely faced the crowd, "You all heard me... I said..
I. Will. Not. Marry. Jeonghan."

The girl said, emphasizing it even more, until Sowon's father could not take it anymore, so he stood up, "Sowon! What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?!"

"I am not father, in fact I'm well aware about what I said. How about you?  Do you know what you're doing? Are you out of your mind?"

Before his father can speak, she gave a rebuttal quickly, "Do you have any idea how you're cutting off my happiness? My youth? For what? So you can satisfy your greedy needs? The need to have it all. The need to be successful. It's unnecessary, don't you think? All your riches mean nothing compared to happiness."

Jeonghan blushed, looking at Sowon speechlessly, Sowon had never opened up about herself, but Jeonghan did, that was why they had became friends. So seeing Sowon speak out her grudges, made Jeonghan feel proud for her. So proud and happy.

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