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I looked horrible. The bruising on my face made me look like a tie dye project gone wrong. I had a busted lip but it read healing pretty well. I knew that my left eye was damaged because I couldn't really see that well out of it and I was right. I had a huge black eye and it was swollen slightly. I also had a huge cut across my forehead that looked nasty but I knew it was because it was healing.

I started crying and hyperventilating. I don't what to feel, before I saw the damage that he caused I was fine but now I'm not and I don't know what to feel. Rachel took me into her arms and held me as I cried.  She avoided touching any of the bruised areas which I appreciated.

The only word that somewhat describes what happened to me is fucked up. I'm jusr glad he didn't actually kill me otherwise I'd be missing out on an incredible woman.

I buried my head in her neck and layed there for about 20 minutes. It was so comfortable and she smelt nice. We didn't talk at all, she just held me and it was so comforting, I felt so safe. Our peaceful cuddle time was interrupted by a knock on the still locked door.

Rachel got up and went to unlock it before making her way to her heels. I visibly frowned at this because that would mean she was leaving.

Dr Locke walked in and held up a bag and coffee. Liquid gold.

"I hope I'm not interrupting but I was hoping we could have that talk now? I shouldn't be needed for a little while so I thought why not but if it's a bad time, I can come back." she stood at the door not coming in, incase it was a bad time.

Rachel beat me to answering her by saying something that made me pout,
"I'm gonna head home for abit. I'll be back in hour or so."

I didn't want her to leave. So I gave her my best puppy dog eyed look and asked if she could stay, completely ignoring the doctors presence.

"I need to shower. So I'll do that and give you two some privacy. Also I have to get some work done." she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine in an unexpected kiss that I savored none the less.
"Bye my sweet angel. I'll be back. Don't miss me too much."
She kissed my cheek and turned to move away.
"Bye baby." I said as she left.

She gave me one last look and a smile then left me alone with Dr Locke. I miss her already. Ew I sound clingy. Even though I am.

I turned to Dr Locke and motioned for her to sit.

"Girlfriend?" she asked in reference to Rachel who just left.

"No no. English and biology teacher." I said a little nervous to her response.

Her eyes went wide but she didn't freak out and threaten to call the cops or call me disgusting for being gay. Which is good.
"Wow. Well you can't help who your heart chooses right? I hope you guys work out whatever you are. You'd make a cute couple."

"Thank you. I hope so too."

"So how are you feeling? Any pain?"

"Yeah. But I'll manage, it's nor that bad."

"Okay if you need anything or if something happens press that button and a nurse will come." she showed me a button on the side of my bed.

"I will thanks. So how did you know my sister?"

"Woah jumping right in hey?"

"I'm sorry. Like I said. I come across as being blunt. Tell me your story. About Robin. About you. Everything. I want to know."

"Well my name is Josephine Locke. I prefer Joe though. So you can call me that. I'm from New York originally but my family moved here when I was 10. I'm 27. I met Robin when she was 15, I was 20. She was at a club and I thought she was 18. She was a little tipsy so I looked after her and we became friends. A few months after she turned 16, I had fallen deeply in love with her and I found out that she felt the same about me. We had a huge age gap I know and a relationship between a 16 year old and a 20 year old wasn't exactly approved of. I took your mum out to dinner one night and asked her permission to date Robin. And I got it. I was in med school at the time. But all my free time was spent with your sister. She is my first love. I loved her so much. I still love her so much. When she died I was devastated. I nearly broke down. But then I found a letter in my apartment. It was written the day before she died, it was as if she knew she wasn't coming back to me and that was her goodbye letter. She told me to move on and be happy if anything ever happened to her. I couldn't though. For a long time I couldn't."

"So my sister was gay." I said aloud, the realization that she was gay was shocking. I never expected it to be honest.

"Your sister was very gay. Your mum, she knew and she was so supportive. Your dad on the other hand...."

"That's why my dressing was such a big thing. Both his daughters turned out gay and he didn't like that."

"I was going to ask her to marry me."

My eyes went wide. This is alot to take in. My sister. Was. Gay. And. Had. A. Girlfriend. 
A girlfriend who wanted to marry her.

"I'm so sorry you lost her."

"I've learnt to deal with the pain."  dge smiled sadly as she wiped a stray tear away.

"Still. Losing the person you're in love with must be enough to shatter a person."

"It was. So a teacher huh?" she changed the topic and smirked at me.

I blushed and looked down.

"Uh well yeah. I've had a crush on her since I started highschool."

"What are you? A senior?"


"Wow. That's a long time crushing on someone. Well you guys are cute."

"Thank you."

"I know I don't have a right to ask this but what happened?"

"Nothing." I said suddenly getting nervous and not wanting to talk about everything.

She realized this and changed the topic.

"Who do you stay with? When you're discharged you'll need to be taken care of by someone. Your dad or brother still around?"

"I stay on my own. In a condo."

"I take it there's a story behind that? They're not dead meaning you left?"

"Yup but you won't be hearing that story. And I don't have anyone to take care of me, I'll do it myself, I'll be fine."

"You're really funny. You'll move in with me temporarily until you heal up then you can go back to your condo."

"Okay fine. But one condition?"


"Tell me more about yours and Robin's time together. Please? I miss her so damn much. She was my best friend. When I started figuring out I don't like boys I told her and she helped me through it. She never mentioned a girlfriend. Only a 'special' friend so if you could tell me about her I would love it."

"Yeah sure no problem. But it might take a while. Can we do it some other time?"

"Yea. Not at tonight though. I'm spending every second I can with Rachel, my teacher. I've loved her for years and the feelings are mutual."

"Goodluck with that but be careful."

"I will. Enjoy your day."

"Thanks Freya. You too."

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