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Rachel's POV

*(An: switched it up on ya👀)*
Also smut warning

Jail isn't a joke. 4 days. I sat there for 4 days and the only thing running through my mind was Freya. My sweet angel. God she is the love of my life, the woman I want to marry and raise children with. The woman my entire heart belongs to.

Right now she's asleep. It's 5 pm and she's been asleep since we went to bed at 4am, over 13 hours. Ally told me she hasn't been sleeping and I'm mad at her for not taking care of herself but I'm also happy to be with her and happy she's finally catching up on sleep and good.

I made myself some pasta with a pepper sauce and settled in to watch some TV. When Freya wakes up I need to talk to her. About a few things, the graduation gift sitting at my friends house, the trip to California that we leave for tomorrow that was also a surprise. God she is going to murder me for spending so much on her but she's my love and she graduated. Plus I can spoil the love of my life whenever I want. Whether she accepts the spoils is a different story though.

The last thing I need to talk to her about is something very very serious and I'm not sure if she's ready for it, I mean she's only 18 for God's sake and I'll be asking her to marry me. No ring to go with the proposal, hopefully no speech either. Just a straight forward 'I want you for the rest of our lives'. Sitting in a cell with other people for 4 days with nothing but your thoughts puts things in perspective. It shows you what you need in life and who's important to you.

"Hii baby."

I turn and see my baby walking towards me. I leave my pasta on the table and got up waiting for her.

"Come here."

I opened my arms and she walked into them.

I buried my head in her neck and felt a few tears leave my eyes.

"Baby you're crying what's wrong?"

"Jail isn't nice, I missed you so much. I also have alot to talk to you about."

"Okay then baby let's sit first and talk."

I sat down and picked up my bowl to feed her.

"Open Freya. I know you haven't been eating and I'm kinda really mad at you for not taking care of yourself. So eat this and then we'll talk."

"Okay fine but I can feed myself."

"I don't care. This is cute. Let me feed you."
I pouted and she rolled her eyes and nodded while she smiled and did she not look gorgeous.

After I fed her, the whole bowl because she needs to eat, I sat down next to her and faced her.

"Okay I'm going to say everything really quickly and you're going to be mad as hell but that's okay. Okay? Don't interrupt me once I start my love."

"Uh okay." she said hesitantly and I smiled at her before kissing her cheek.

"Okay here goes. I got you a Mercedes amg gt 500 as a graduation gift. I booked us a 3 week trip to California, we leave tomorrow. And marry me?"

She looked at me, clearly stunned but not saying anything as her eyes got wider, probably processing everything that was just said.

"Marry you?"

"Yes. Being in jail put things in perspective for me. I love you. I want to spend my life with you. And I don't want to wait. Marry me?"

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you! God I love you so much!" she scream as a few tears collected in her eyes.

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