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She pulled back as quickly as she attached her lips to mine. Her soft, full and warm lips. The second they touched mine I felt a swarm of a million butterflies erupt all through my chest and abdomen. I've been with quite a few girls in my 18 years of life but none of their kisses compare to hers. Even if it was just for a fleeting second.

She pulled back and made space between us as I sat there, shocked and stunned at what happened. Wait. What the hell did just happen? My English/biology teacher who I've had a crush on for years kissed me. That's what happens.

I stared wide eyed at her as she held her soft bottom lip in between her perfect rows of teeth.
"What the hell Rachel?!" I asked, still staring at her. Because honestly I was not expecting that.

Did she do that because she read about my feelings and felt bad? Orlike she had to return my feelings?

"What?" the innocent look in her eyes as she answered my question with a question of her own was honestly the most adorable thing I've ever seen. The way her eyes shine with nothing but honesty while her lip was still in between those perfect teeth. How I'd love that to be my teeth holding it captive.

"Why are you paying for me dammit? I'm not a helpless little child. I can take care of myself." I snapped at her unintentionally, the pressure had built up inside of me and had reached breaking point and I took it out on the one person I actually gave a damn about. Great Job Freya. Great job.

She sat there shocked at my sudden outburst and the hurt I saw in her eyes made me feel like I was being stabbed a thousand times.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to s-snap." I stuttered out looking back at my hands and fidgeting with them, this time under the blanket so she couldn't see.

"Freya I don't think of you as a helpless child. There is no doubt in my mind you could have paid for yourself but in the moment when you needed treatment you weren't exactly around to provide any from of finance. I could though. And I was more than willing and able to make sure someone I care about was taken care off." I felt her fierce gaze burning into my head but I didn't look up.

I couldn't look up.

"Freya. Please? Look at me?" she asked and it took all my strength not to find those galaxy filled eyes I fell in love with.

But I didn't.

I kept my eyes on the blanket and memorized every detail I could see on it. All the patterns and colours.

I heard her sigh and get up, walking to the door.

So she's just going to leave. She just kissed me and now she's leaving without so much as a goodbye.

I looked up from my colorful blanket in time to see her locking the door and turning back to me. Her heels were the only thing that made a sound in the silent room I was confined to.

Our eyes connected and I couldn't for the life of me escape her captivating gaze.

We held eye contact until she walked to the bed, kicking off her heels and sitting down right in front of me.

"Freya. You listen to what I'm about to say because I will only say this once. I did what I did because I care about you. Because when I saw you lying on the floor in that hallway not moving, I felt like I was lost without you. I am absolutely crazy about you. Paying for you to live is something I would do a thousand times over. I would do anything to keep a smile on your face. Anything to make you even remotely happy. Because I love you Freya Adams. Never ever forget that." she got all of that out in one breath so she was pretty breathless.

I didn't help that because as soon as she was finished, I grabbed her by the collar of her blouse and pulled her into a searing kiss.

The second my lips met hers, it was like a fire was ignited in me. This kiss wasn't like our first one. This one was full of passion.

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