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We were awoken by loud bangs on the door.

"Baby I have to get that. Stay here. It could be dangerous."

I nodded and watched as she got dressed and left. I did the same and walked into the living room to see a police officer putting my girlfriend in handcuffs.

"Baby call Allison on my phone. I love you."

I nodded and ran up the stairs to get whatever I needed which consisted of our phones. My wallet and her house and car keys.

I bolted out to her car, making sure to lock the door before running to her car and starting it.

I sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before hitting the call button on Allison. Allison is Rachel's cousin. She talks about her alot.

After 5 rings Ally picked up.

"Rach is so good to hear from you. Thought you forgot me."

"Hi Allison. This isn't Rachel. I'm Freya. Her girlfriend. She's been arrested. She told me to call you?"

"Shit okay. Hang up. Don't drive on the phone. I'll meet you at the station."

I hung up and held myself together as I drove to the station. Why the fuck was she arrested.

I got to the station about 10 minutes later and practically ran in.

"Hi I'm looking for Rachel. Rachel Meyers."

The lady at the desk didn't even look up.

"Who are you to the suspect?"

"Her girlfriend."

"Only letting her lawyer see her. Have a seat in the waiting area."

I sat down and ran a hand through my hair. About 20 minutes later a pretty brunette who had a slight resemblance to my Rachel walked in.

"Rachel Meyers. I'm her lawyer."

This lady exuded power and authority.

The lady led her away, neither of them looking at me. So I was left an anxious mess focusing on my breathing so I don't send myself into a panic attack.

Half a God damn hour later (it felt like an eternity to be honest), Allison walked in.

I stood up and held my hand out,
"Hi I'm Freya."

She ignored my hand and went straight for a hug.
"Nonsense. You're family now. I'm Allison but everyone calls me Ally."

"Forgive my bluntness but what's happening with Rachel?"

She looked around the station and back at me,
"This isn't the best place to have this conversation. Let's go home and talk yea? It's not doing anyone any good staying here."

I nodded and we took our separate cars back to Rachel's place.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No I have to go back. Listen I know you just finished up school and all but Rachel is being charged with sexual misconduct and going against school rules. Basically. Someone reported you to your school. They filed a case against her and now she's in jail. I may be able to get them to drop the charges but for now she's stuck there. Hopefully she'll be home by tomorrow."

I nodded, only half understanding.

"This isn't your fault okay? Now I need to get back and get my dear cousin out of there. Stay here."

She walked out leaving me alone. I broke down in the middle of her house and basically cried myself to sleep on the living room floor.


Remember when Ally said that hopefully the next day my Rachel would be home?

Well it's been 3.

Yes 3 horrible days without her.

It's currently 3am. And I'm still awake. In Rachel's tshirt reading a book and trying not to ball my eyes out.

I do this every night. I can't sleep so I occupy myself until I pass out. All the while trying not to cry.

I need food. I haven't eaten in a while so after setting my book, I walked to the kitchen and to get food. I settle on leftover pizza Ally brought me, warming it up.

While that was happening I heard the front door open. I locked it so whoever is opening it has a key and the only one with keys is Ally.

"Be quiet, I don't want to wake her up. She's probably asleep by now."
That voice. I haven't heard it in 3 days.

I ran into the living room and basically tackled Rachel in a bear hug, both of us falling against the front door.

"You're here." I cried out while she held me.

"I'm here." she kissed my head and cried with me.

I pulled back and gave her a kiss on the lips before hugging Ally.

"Thank you for bringing my baby back."

"You're welcome but dude. When was the last time you showered?"

I realised that I haven't showered in 3 days.

I covered my face in my hands and heard Rachel laugh before I remembered my pizza. I dashed to the kitchen with Ally and Rachel following me.

"My love, when was the last time you ate?"

I shrugged my shoulders before digging in to the last piece of pizza. Fuck I'm hungry.

"Ally take the guest room downstairs. I don't want you driving late at night. And you." she pointed at me "you get up to the room as soon as you're done eating."

She left to go upstairs and Ally went to her room while I just ate finished.

When I got into the room I found a very naked Rachel standing facing the cupboard.

"Good. You're here. Strip and join me in the shower."

With that she walked into the bathroom and left me there. I took her tshirt and my underwear off and joined her.

"Baby you weren't taking care of yourself. You didn't eat. You didn't shower. You need to take care of yourself."

I nodded and we finished off our shower and got into bed. I felt so much better.

"Come here my love. I've gone 3 days without holding you Frey. God I missed you so much."

I got into her arms and started balling my eyes out.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

I just nodded and snuggled closer to her.
"I'm never letting you go Rachel Meyers."

She nodded and we drifted off to sleep.

Saved By Her (GxG)✅ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon