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I decided on a condo towards the end of the afternoon. It was small and secure and definitely perfect for me. It's in an up and coming neighborhood so the price was decent on it and I could say that I was the proud owner of the 1 bedroom space. I signed the paperwork already and the landlord said  I can move in as soon as possible. The last 3 years of my life were hell but it paid off. I have a home to call my own. Finally.

I went back to my father's house and packed all my stuff away. I have 2 days to move everything over before they get back. And I plan to do that. It won't take long seeing as I won't take much. I took as much as my tiny car would let me and decided that the bed and dresser can stay. I'll buy a new bed and dresser. I was surprised to see my whole life could be moved in 2 car rides. So that's what I did. I packed up my car and drove to my new home. Unloaded and did it again. Only this time before I bid farewell to my childhood home, I walked around. Took notice of everything. The dining room where family game nights were held. The sofa where my sister and I would fall asleep. The kitchen where my mum spent her free time.

And then the bad memories came in. The stairs where I was pushed down. The baseball bat that my brother liked to swing at me. The floor where I layed countless times. I closed my eyes and shut the memories out. I took a few deep breaths before going to my car and driving off for good. Leaving my entire childhood behind.

When I got to my condo, I unpacked my car and sent a silent prayer thanking God my job payed well enough that the building had an elevator. On my last trip, I was surprised to see my neighbors door open. I made a decision to put the box in my living room and go and introduce myself.

Her name's Aria and she's lived in this area for a while. We talked for a few hours, laughing and joking, before I went back to my place to carry on unpacking.

I sat the last box down and looked at the picture frame in it. It was a picture of my mum, sister and I.-There names were Robin and Candice. Robin being my sister.-I clutched it to my chest and cried. I cried for my mom. For my sister. I missed them so much, they'd both be so proud of me. I stayed like that for hours, totally forgetting that I promised Aria I'd be back. She was having company over and insisted I stayed for dinner. Instead of getting up and going I just stayed on the floor.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still on the floor. My neck ached and my abdomen was in pain from the last beating my dad ever gave me. I didn't care though. I'm free. I have a job on the weekends. I have my own place. I'm independent and my father can't hurt me anymore. My life was starting to piece together and I couldn't wait for my future.

I took a shower and changed into jeans and a flannel shirt. I braided my hair and grabbed my bag and keys and headed to my car. Today is going to be a great day.

I had English in the morning, and biology after lunch. At about 1pm. So I spent my day in the library.
At 11, Mrs Brown, the librarian informed me that I need to gather my things and leave, because someone picking me up early because of a family emergency.

I started panicking on the inside. I can't take my car and it's a 30 minute walk to the school from my father's house. No doubt he's the one picking me up for the 'family emergency'. I hid my keys in my backpack and went out to see my father waiting on me. Rage evident in his eyes but a smile on his face.
I can't not go because then everyone will know what happened. And he has money. He'll pay lawyers to get him out of jail and I'll be the 'spoilt brat' who tried to ruin her father's life.

"Honey your aunt Avery is extremely sick. We need to go see her. Let's go."

He turned to walk and I followed. He grabbed my arm really hard once we were an earshot away from school doors and growled in my ear,
"You are dead."

I was scared for my life once again. Just this morning I was happy and free and that all changed the minute he found me.

On the way to the car, I managed to drop my bag with my keys and phone. My condo keys are still in there and it has the condo address. Hopefully someone finds it and gives it back to me considering my name is all over everything in there.

I was thrown into his car and he drove us back to the house.

I walked in and was immediately met with my brother forcing me to the ground. That night him and my father took turns beating me and he did what no man should do to a woman, much less their own blood.

I woke in the early hours of the morning. Curled up on the floor. I passed out last night after a nasty blow to my head. My vision is blurry. I look around and find the TV on and my brother and father passed out with a few alcohol bottles around them.

I got a beating that should have killed me. Instead I'm alive and the idiots are passed out. I took this opportunity to run. As fast as I could. Which was more of a glorified limp to the school. They'd wake up in the morning but I don't care. I'm going home and then I'm going to the police. I walked to the school. Well stumbled to the school to find my car gone. But so was my bag. Someone found it and hopefully didn't steal it.

I started the painful walk to my condo building, praying I didn't pass out on the way.

I got all the way to the corridor that leads to the my condo before my body gave in and I collapsed with no one around me.

I felt pain. Everything hurt. I closed my eyes and decided to let the darkness take me in, hoping to finally feel at peace for the first time in my life.

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