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*<Time skip to their wedding day>*

I'm a nervous wreck right now. We walk down the aisle in a few minutes. We decided to do it at the same time so that we can both get a first look at each other in our dresses. Rachel's uncle, Robert, is walking her down the aisle. He's a lovely man that we've had dinner with a few times.  And I'm being walked in by my sister. My Joe. She wore a suit and she looks good. The lovely couple decided to match and so Alex is in a gorgeous blue dress that matches her fiancé's suit.

"Babes. It's time." I nodded at Joe and took one last look in the mirror and straightened out the dress before walking over to Joe's awaiting arm.

"You look beautiful. You make a stunning bride."

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

She scoffed at me and kissed my cheek.

"Bitch please. I look good."

I laughed and nodded, agreeing with her.

"You ready?"

I nodded and we started the walk, I didn't turn my head but I knew only a small bit away, my beautiful almost wife was walking to the alter where we would make the title of 'Mrs' official.

As we neared the turn to the alter my heart rate sped up. I was excited to see my love. I knew she looked beautiful. She always looks beautiful.

And boy was I right.

She looks absolutely stunning in her gown. I can feel my eyes tearing up.

We get to the alter and I hug her uncle while she hugs Joe. We join hands and stare at each other, both of us close to tears.

Our officiant cleared her throat before she spoke, by our officiant I mean Alex.

"We're here today to join my lovely and beautiful almost sister Freya and her stunning bride Rachel. I haven't known either of them that long but I do know that they love each other so much that it's almost unbelievable. Now skipping all the boring parts because all of us are here for free food, do you Rachel Meyers take Freya Adams to be your lawfully wedded wife. In sickness and health, till death do you part?"

I felt Rachel squeeze my hands.

"I do a thousand times over."

The 3 of us smiled, looking into her eyes felt as if there was no one else in the world.

"And do you Freya Adams take Rachel Meyers to be your lawfully wedding wife. In sickness and in health till death do you part?"

I nodded my head eagerly.
"I do."

"Well than you can kiss your bride."

Rachel took my face in her hands and kissed me with eveything in her, showing me all her love and passion in that kiss and I loved it.

"I present to you Mrs and Mrs Meyers. Congratulations."

Rachel and I walked hand in hand down the aisle, our wedding parties following behind us. Which was just Ella and Joe. Alex behind them. Neither of us had bridesmaids, just Ella and Joe.

We walked out of the chapel into the garden for photos of the two of us and our guests.

"Alex! Joe! Get over here!"

Joe stood next to me and Alex next to my wife while the photographer took the pictures.

We got pictures with everyone. Individually and we did a massive group photo.

Right now it's speech time and I'm nervous. Mainly because I have anxiety and speaking in public settings isn't for me.

"Good evening everyone. My name is Alex, the officiant and also your host tonight. We're starting the evening off with the speeches. Then of course the delicious food,followed by tons of dancing and fun all cake! Now for the first speech I would like to call up my annoying other half, Freya's sister Joe."

People laughed and Joe got up to the podium and kissed Alex on the cheek.

"Hi, hello, hey everyone. I'm Josephine Locke. I'm Freya's older sister. Not by blood but that changes nothing. I've known her all her relationship with the lovely Rachel and at first I wasn't all for it but I saw how much they love each other. That they would do anything for the other and that's not something I see often. I met Freya because she came into my ER, beat up and almost dead. Her wife saved her and they've been bound since. I know they'll have a beautiful marriage and life together. Now I'd like to call up our beautiful bride Rachel who has a surprise for you Freya."

Rachel got up and kissed my cheek while I sat confused wondering what the hell was happening.

"Baby. Since you walked into my classroom all those years ago I knew you were special. But you were a student so I ignored everything I felt for you, my soul mate. But when you nearly died it put things in perspective for me. I realized how in love with you I was. How I wanted to marry you. Build an life and a family with you no matter what it took. So a few weeks ago I went to visit one of my friends at the hospital and.. "

She handed me a small box, a necklace box and inside was a positive pregnancy test.

I was having a kid with the woman I was spending my life with.

"We're going to be moms baby."

I literally shot up and ran into her, ignoring the "Awwww's" from the crowd.

"You're pregnant."

She nodded and I kissed her. My wife and my child. Our small family.

"I love you."

"I love you too Freya Meyers."

The speeches finished off and we went off on our honeymoon.

My life was complete. I had a family. My wife, my sisters, my aunts and cousins and now my child.

I never saw my life like this, happy and in love but here I am. Rachel saved me from my old life and now I'm as happy as can be with everything I would ever need.

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