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So school's actually nice. I enjoyed it and was able to concentrate a hell of alot more without my hot girlfriend teaching me. I chose soccer as my sport because I'm decent at it. And I made a few friends.

I have to go to to the lawyer now. Well to specify I'm outside the office and need to go in.

I counted to 3 and got out of the car and walked inside the fancy building to the receptionist.

"Hi. I'm here to see Jillian Parker?"

Without even looking up at me she obnoxiously blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing and spoke as she typed away at her computer.
"Do you have an appointment because if not he's busy."


"Uh Adams? Freya Adams?"

She clicked something on her laptop and spoke again, still not even bothered to look up at me.

"Nope sorry no appointment. You can always make one. Call tomorrow. 9 to 1. Thank you. Bye."

She finally made eye contact with me, just to shoo me away with a wave of her hand. How rude and unprofessional.

I went back to my car and took my phone out. I pressed the number I wanted to call and waited for it to ring.

"Jillian Parker. How can I help you?"

"Hi. It's Freya. Freya Adams."

"Ah Ms Adams. Don't we have a meeting like now?"

"Yes sir we do. I actually came in but the lady at the front said I had no appointment and shooed my away."

"Dammit I told Jessica to stop doing that. Just come on in and wait. I'll be there in a minute."

"See you soon."

I put down and checked my messages. One. From Rachel.

'we need to talk'

I gulped and put my phone away. I'll look at it later.

I put my phone away and walked in the building again, only this time there was a man standing waiting for me.

"Jillian Parker. This way Ms Adams."

"Freya please."

He nodded and we made our way to what I assume is his office.

"Please have a seat."

I nodded and sat down.

"I apologize for meeting so late. We had a change of ownership and I got busy with a few cases."

"It's no problem. So why exactly am I here?"

"Your mother. One Candice Adams. And your sister, Robin Adams, both had life insurance policies taken out on them by your mother and well you never got the money. She took out policies in her name for you, your siblings and herself and your dad. In your name. I'm assuming because you're the youngest?"

I sat back shocked as this was news to me.

"What policy sir?"

"Exactly. Your father and brother used the money. As you were under 18 when they died the money was in his possession until your eighteenth birthday. Which was over the school break yes?"


"Right I'm assuming it was used to start up his second company?"


"Right kid. I'll get to it don't worry. I won't charge my normal fees. Say a flat rate of 2000 for all my services?"

"Wait. Why exactly would I want that money? And didn't you say it was used?"

"You want the money because it was alot of money. And if I can prove that your father used it, you could sue for millions."

"Look I don't have two grand lying around. I'm in school. I work part time. I don't have the money." I said matter of factly.

"Right now you don't but in a few months you could be a millionaire. Look. Your mom and I were friends. I knew quite abit about her life. And you and your siblings. Let me do this as a way of honoring her?"

"Fine. I have to go Sir it was nice meeting you."

"I'll be in touch. And be careful with that teacher of yours. You two need to be more careful."

"Ex teacher."

With that said I walked out of his office and sprinted to my car to talk to Rachel. Her text had my anxiety levels way up.

I dialed her number and sat while it ringed.
After a few rings she picked up.




"Hi. This isn't going to be a very productive conversation if all we do is say 'hi'."

"I know."

She sniffled a little.

"Baby what's wrong? Talk to me my love."

"I got a call this morning. Apparently my mom died?"

We've never actually spoken about her family but judging by her reaction I'm guessing it's bad.

"I'm so sorry my love. I'll drive to your place and we can order food from the Chinese place you love and cuddle up."

"Actually I'm in New York. I'll be back by Wednesday morning. Probably catch a flight out tomorrow night. And don't even think about coming to New York. Stay your cute ass in school. I'll see you in a day or two."

"Fine. But if I can't come down can I call you when I'm free? Like tonight. And tomorrow?"

"Sure. Put me on the Bluetooth so we can talk and you can drive."

I set her up and carried on the conversation.

"How was the new school? How'd it go at the lawyers?"

"School was pretty good. I miss staring at my favourite teacher though. I actually enjoyed today. I picked soccer as my sport but I think I'd prefer swimming. The lawyer, well we can talk about it when you get back. Talk to me baby. What happened with your mom?"

"I uh I got a call. Just after you left. Basically she overdosed and died and because she was arrested before she died they knew who she was. Apparently she talked alot about me to the cops. They called me and I had to identify the body. It's gonna be cremated and I get to keep the ashes."

"I'm sorry for your loss my love. I'm here for you okay?"

"Okay baby. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I just pulled in. I'm going to go shower and get started on homework and dinner. I'll call later."

"Okay baby. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I love you baby. Be safe."

"I love you too idiot."

"Ouch I'm an idiot now."

I held my chest, faking offense as if she could see. Maybe I am an idiot.

"Hmm yes. My idiot."

"I'll take that. I gotta go. Bye baby."

Saved By Her (GxG)✅ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt