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>*An: the italics later on in the chapter show a nightmare.
Tw: rape *<

"You guys can choose any bedroom you want. But for convenience I'd say take one that's closer to the kitchen. I've seen you guys eat."

We all laughed at my fiancé's joke. Fiancé. Soon to be wife. I can't wait to call her my wife.

"So I was thinking, we order pizza and have a movie night?"

"Yeah that sounds good. We'll just go to a room now."

"Okay. Change out of those jeans please. I don't know why you wore the skinniest jeans you could find on a plane to get here. Aren't you doctors supposed to be smart?" Rachel smirked and I just rolled my eyes. She can be so rude sometimes.

"Oh shut up Rachel. Okay we'll go now."

Alex and Joe walked hand in hand to a room and I turned and smacked Rachel across the head.

"Idiot. You were rude."

"Hey it's not my fault your sister wore jeans on a flight. I had to point it out."

"No you didn't. I'm going to go change. Order the pizza."

I walked away to our bedroom, slightly upset that she poked fun at Joe. My sister. Well not by blood but she's my big sister. No one messes with my family.

I changed into pyjama pants and one of Rachel's many t-shirts that I have stolen before taking a teddy bear she got me downstairs. I'm kinda mad at her for today. She didn't kiss me. Or tell me she loves me. Not since we went to pick up Joe and Alex. It's been 3 hours. I'm blowing it out of proportion I know but like I'm a sensitive soul.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, snuggling up to the teddy.

"My favourite sister. Heyyyyy. I missed you smally."

I turned around to see Joe and Alex walk in hand in hand. They're so cute.

"I'm your only sister Joe."

"Psssssht still my favourite and I still missed you."

"Wouldn't that make me the least favourite sister too? And I missed you too."

"Can I get a hug?"

I nodded my head and got up, walking into her arms.

"Having a baby sister is nice."

"Can't relate." I mumbled.

"Well it is. I'm telling you. Trust my word."


I let go of her to go back to teddy because holding him was comfortable.

"Guys what are we watching? And the pizza should be here in 40 minutes." Rachel said walking in.

"I was thinking we watch Christmas movies? Since it's December and all."

"You can pick Alex."

She nodded and scrolled through Netflix before picking a movie called The Princess Switch.

"Baby come here."
I didn't budge.

Throughout the next half an hour she kept trying to get me in her arms but I didn't move from my corner on the 4 seater couch. Alex and Joe were cuddled on the love seat so they didn't hear us at all.

She finally moved towards me and put an arm around me but I didn't move. She noticed this and looked at the lovebirds, making sure they weren't paying attention to us.

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