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"Aish... This is going to be a pain in the ass..." A young boy aged thirteen was examining the papers he stole. These papers were from his parents but now his parents doesn't need them anymore, he took it.

The papers were the infos of all suspects in the crime scenes. The boy smiled since he can steal those. Playing an act as a cute son making parents act doting towards him.

This has become his hobby. Stealing important papers (That's what he called) and track these people. And then he "Deal" with them. Sounds pretty easy to him.

"Honey, dinner's ready!"

"Yes, dear mother!" He shouted.

'Ey... Better get downstairs or the food gets cold!'

The boy happily came down stairs. He greeted his parents politely as he sat on one of the chairs. Everyone then starts eating their meal.

"So, how's your day?" His father asked him.

"I had fun with my new friend lately! He's so cool and creative!" He happily starts talking about his new friend which put a smile on his parents.

"We were happy you finally have someone you talk to." His mother frowns a little after she remembers the past but then she smiled again.

"Dont worry mom! I mean, it does look kinda bad in the past but ey, everything's good!" He raise his hands up in the air.

You see, this boy has a happy family. He aint care about the world as long as his family is happy. No matter how his habits are bad, his family is top priority.

"Yes honey. Also, you're going out tomorrow right?" His mother asked him.

"Ye ye! I've got a job to do! I did good on my first day tho so they payed me handsomely!" He smiled proudly.

"And you gave the money to us. Make sure to always study okay?" His mother warned him.

Cause you know, a thirteen years old boy had a job? Study first then find a job in a future. He wont care what i was saying anyway.

All of them had a happy conversation. After dinner is done, his mother was about to carry and cleaning the dishes but then she stumbled and fall as the plates shatters, all spoons and forks fall creating a loud noise.

"Dear mother!"

"Oh my godness!"

Both father and the boy hurriedly and help her getting up. While the father checks on his wife for any sign of injuries, the boy took a broom as he sweep those shattering plates.

"Mom, you should be more careful!" He was scared that he's going to lose his mother or something hurts her.

"Thank goodness, there's no any scratches..." His father sighed in realieved. He kissed his wife's forehead while the son just watched them in awe.

It's night time now. He was at his room, chilling while looking up at the ceilings. His room looks boring. White walls, brown door, brown desk, brown bookshelves, even a white bed with plain blue blanket and pillows. He's not a person who likes decorating so the plainess is fine.

He sighed as he took the papers that once was scattered on top of his desk as he left for dinner. He already memorized the papers already so the papers in useless to him now. Who needs proffs if you can literally tell the truths that will teriffied them?

He's gonna burn the papers later. Also, he's going to stop that dude who keeps knocking on the doors next morning. He needs to sleep and wakes up early.
Morning arrives, he already pack his stuff and ready to work on his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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