Chapter 4

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-Shy Boy Appeared!-

It's been four days now since M/n became a librarian. Students would ask questions to him and he tried his best to answer all of it.

M/n became friendly to most students, since their ages are close to his. They are comfortable to talk to someone younger than the teachers in Revellion.

Even if he was friendly to all the students, four of them are the closest to him. Val, (B/n), Logan and Ryshuar. And about the lame name became their group name. The Squad, just a simple name. The Squad would sit somewhere in the corner to the front that is closer to his desk. It's a special place you know…

Even if most students are jealous of these four, they can't mess with them. In Revellion, there is such a thing as popular students. They are popular for many reasons. 

Like Val, a girl who can do anything to expose you and make your life miserable. She knows your information and private lives if you try to mess with her. She is also the principal's younger sister.

Or (B/n). He was nice, but pushed him to his limits and foul words came out of his mouth. Not just that, this boy somehow can beat you till you bleed which is unbelievable to everyone. This boy managed to beat his seniors and three of them ended up hospitalized. Don't mess with this cinnamon bun.

Logan? He's a popular kid because of students making kinds of rumors that aren't true. By his looks, everyone thought he's a lady killer or one of those cliche bad boy things that appears in hollywood movies or online novels.. He was a good friend to (B/n). Students ended up thinking he was (B/n)'s slave or butler. M/n thought teenagers minds are f*cked up these years.

Only Ryshuar is the only one who isn't popular. But that kid started to get into fame. Ryshuar, who was just a quiet kid before, becomes the mom of the group. Only if M/n aren't around. He was a polite and responsible young man. He can be a good husband if the boy grows up. The Squad called him Rhys, for short.

Now the second lunch bell rang. Students went towards their cafeteria.

But there's another special thing about the cafeteria. There are three cafeterias in each grade. From the first floor to the third floor. It was built five years ago when seniors kept bullying juniors at the cafeteria. This is to separate them in case if the same incident happened. Also the place is like a luxurious dining table. Each round table has eight seats. 

M/n already got used to many stares directly at him. He's not blaming them anyway. Whenever there's an attractive person, people like to stare at them. Especially Logan too because of his looks.

As M/n was about to reach the library, he felt someone bumped to his back and a loud thud. M/n turns around immediately.

Brown hair… Cute face… So short…

That's what M/n thought.

"I-I-I-" The boy's face turned bright red and M/n couldn't understand what he said.

"I-Imma…" The boy looks troubled.


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