Chapter 6

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-Two Gay Couple-

M/n jolted(?) awake quickly after he had a dream. He rubbed his head, wiped the sweat that was under his jaw and head. He took a deep breath and then exhaled.

He lay back down on his bed. Qio, who heard it, immediately jumped on top of his bed and approached M/n. He stroked Qio and felt happy that his dog was with him.

"I am okay buddy. Maybe i should let you sleep with me. Yeah, that'll be great…" Before going to bed, he checked his electronic clock beside his bed, on top of the small cupboard.

[04:09 AM]

"..." M/n know he couldn't go back to sleep anymore.

'Thanks a lot, nightmare. Now, i feel so f*cking tired…' M/n did a little exercise then he started his day.

Yeah, he had to sleep way earlier and woke up four in the morning. Because he was home alone and only his dog accompanied him, he did all the chores. Cleaning the house, watering the plants and grasses, sweeping and mopping the floor, cleaning Qio's waste, and lastly, cooking. 

M/n had always been taught by his mother to be diligent in doing the tasks given to M/n. Like cleaning the house.  His brother learned to work while M/n stayed home, cleaning. She told him that women must be treated like queens.

Too bad some of those b*tches are thots.

"Yeah, what's up?" M/n placed his phone on the left shoulder, he titled his head to the side, pinning the phone.

"Ah, there's a meeting? Yes, yes, I'll be there. Thank you." He hung up.

He did his usual work and then went off to Revellion as usual. It's almost two weeks since he worked there.

Everything is fine. Students fawned over him because of his looks. The Squad became a popular group among students in Revellion. They're very shocked when Val the Anonymous being and Dangerous Cinnamon Bun (B/n) become friends. Not to mention, Logan was called attention seeker or playboy. Poor boy…

And Rhysuar? Nobody dared to mess with him anymore. This kid suddenly let out a silent aura which everyone never noticed when he walked away. His touch is smooth as silk as if someone lay a finger on him, he will disappear. And if somebody dared to mess around, his mother's sense activated and gave the person a harsh lesson.

M/n didn't argue with that. It's indeed an interesting topic to talk about among teenagers even M/n is interested. But he always knew.

Because he is also a member of The Squad.

Again, truly lame name but simple.

But among the students, there were two boys that can be considered populer. M/n actually found it amusing and wanted to know more about the two. So, he told Val…

"Two boys? Which one?" 

"The one with red hair and the other one with grey hair… They're pretty close actually. But, it seems nobody noticed them being touchy." M/n crossed his hands as he leaned against the wall beside Val who's sitting on a chair.

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