Chapter 1

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-The Principal Who Likes Fun-

M/n arrived at the Sunshine Cafe, he waited for the same woman who he agreed with. M/n gets off of his car and goes inside the cafe.

"Welco- Welcome b-back to the S-S-Sunshine Cafe!" The same waitress he saw yesterday greeted him.

"Is the same woman from yesterday here?" He asked the waitress.

"N-N-No sir! She's not here!" The waitress replied.

"I see." M/n look at his watch.

05:56 AM

"This cafe opens early, huh…" M/n said as the waitress nodded.

"Yes sir. Well… We need everything here before many customers come. Some of my coworkers are practicing making new menus to be served. Making sure the ingredients are here." She said quietly but M/n can still hear it.

"You look young to be a waitress." The waitress squeked after hearing M/n.

"A-Ah! I am eighteen years old and will turn nineteen. I wish I could go to college but my parents couldn't afford such an amount of money so i decided to work. But, i like my job. I met new friends!" She said.

"Good luck on your job. I am sure someday you can help your parents. They are lucky to have such a diligent daughter like you. Enough of that... I would like to order (Random cake) and (Random Cold Drink). Oh and also i'll have this and this. For the same woman." M/n ordered while pointing at the menu.

"I will have your orders!" She smiled at him, a genuine smile. M/n smiled back.

The same woman arrived minutes later and was given with the same orders. She met M/n at the same table and started their conversation.

"You arrived earlier than I expected." She said.

"I know my sleep schedule." M/n ate his (Random Cake).

"So, once we finish our lovely breakfast you can drive me to my school. I'll give you directions." Ariya finished her cake and stirred her drink.

"Is your house not far from here?" Ariya takes a process to repeat what M/n just said. M/n saying about her house confused her. But an imaginary light bulb turns on which Ariya finally understands.

"Ah, i have a driver but he left." She said, drinking ice lemon tea.

"Wow, you really know what i am saying." M/n is impressed.

"Saying someone about their house? You really need to make your words clear for someone to understand you." Ariya huffed.

"Just testing you. You're getting to know me better." M/n finished his meal.

"Shall we get going? Oh, and on my treat this time." M/n got up from the seat as he took out his car keys from his pocket.

"Hooo~ Thank you for paying me back~"

He paid for their meal and walked out of the cafe as they made their way to a red car. M/n unlock the doors using his car keys and then opens the passenger door.

"Ladies first." M/n said, opening the door for Ariya.

"How kind of you." Ariya chuckled lightly as she sat on the passenger seat then M/n closed the door.

M/n then sat on the driver seat, putting the Car key on a keyhole to start the engine. And finally they drove away from the cafe.

The conversation they had inside the car was almost non stop. Ariya being talkative about her sister which M/n really wanna know more who is this sister she talks about. 

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