Ch. 14-Trust

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"Later. We'll talk about it some other time. Before that, there is something that is more urgent." 

"You're talking about the 48 hours that are left on the scenario, right? If that is case, then go to the north. You can kill the Tyrant King and use it to help you make your grand flag."

"I plan on going somewhere else before that."


"Who knows?" 

And oh, Yoo Jonghyuk was so infuriating at times like this. 

Yoo Jonghyuk knew all about how going to the north was useful for him. But he would had no problem taking care of him along with the rest of the kings just before the absolute throne. 

"Besides, don't you have a family member there as well?"

That was also a reason to go there. But considering what happened last regression... 

"Won't you take care of Yoo Mia?"

Yoo Jonghyuk said with a emotionless face as always. Like he wasn't just handing over his sister's safety to someone else. 

"Hmm? You want me to save your sister?" 

Kim Dokja didn't understand why Yoo Jonghyuk would leave such an important task to him. And it wasn't like he would do it without being told, he was actually hearing Yoo Jonghyuk say something like this to him. 

"I trust you." 

The sentence was short but very meaningful for Kim Dokja. Earning someone's trust was hard in itself. But earning Yoo Jonghyuk's trust were worlds apart from what he was expecting of himself. Kim Dokja would of been very happy from Yoo Jonghyuk even looking at him and here he was earning something like trust?

Did he ever have someone to trust except for his mother when it came to before the apocalypse? Did he even trust his mother anymore? Anyway, the point is that gaining trust was very hard and almost impossible when it came to Yoo Jonghyuk. 

Kim Dokja would have to bite his lips to stop himself from smiling. 

"Kim Dokja." 

Yoo Jonghyuk called out to the almost smiling Kim Dokja.

"Was there something else?" 

Kim Dokja wondered if he had missed something. But that worry soon disappeared.

Yoo Jonghyuk dug through his pockets and took out a coal black box. 

"Take it." 

Kim Dokja received the black box from Yoo Jonghyuk.

"What is this?" 

Kim Dokja looked down on the black box and then back up at Yoo Jonghyuk.

"Open it if you want to now so badly." 

"It is not going to explode right?" 

"Didn't I say that I trust you? But you don't seem to trust me." 

True. Yoo Jonghyuk did say he trust him. And it was that way for Kim Dokja as well. But still, what was in this box? He didn't need wonder anymore because he moved his hands and opened it up. 

"Is this..." 

There was multiple items in the small box. Was it one of those storage dimensions that was used throughout the novel? But how did he get his hand on it so early? 

"Where did you get this?" 

"It was the reward I choose from defeating the dragon with you." 


ORV- [Not a character]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang