× Chapter Forty: As Cold As Ice ×

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"Ah.." Mal grimaced, shifting a bit as Ahsoka finished stitching her shoulder. "Sorry."

"It's okay. You did good for your first stitch." Mal complimented with a weak smile, Ahsoka returning it before she bandaged Mal's shoulder. "Okay, how's that?"

"It's perfect. Thanks again."

"Anytime. When we get to the medical station, though, they'll do a better job than me." Ahsoka said while tossing everything back into the first aid kit they found in the cockpit. "Yeah, I guess so."

: ...al?! Ahs...?! Mal!! Ahsoka!! Are you okay?! What happened?! : Mal and Ahsoka heard, both of them lowering their heads down to the transmitter on the ground. Ahsoka grabbed it while Mal sat upright, groaning quietly. "We're fine. Wolffe got infected and attacked us. We're okay, though. As long as we're watch him, that worm isn't getting out of here." Mal assured, looking at Wolffe, still lying the ground stunned and unconscious.

: Alright, listen carefully. The only way to kill these things without hurting the men is to freeze them. : Anakin explained, Mal and Ahsoka looking to each other with an eyebrow raised. "How can we..."

"The coolant system. But that's on the other side of the ship. We can't make it from here." Mal said, looking from Ahsoka to her transmitter. : Is there a vent around the cockpit? :

"A vent?" Mal asked, looking around, finally seeing it above them. "We see it. Ahsoka, think you can fit through?"

"Yeah. I can fit through. Will you be okay here?" Ahsoka asked, Mal nodding and looking to Wolffe. "I may be hurt, but I can still take care of myself."

"Yeah. I believe that. Alright, good luck." Ahsoka said before using the force, removing the plate over the vents and jumping through, climbing her way through the vents. "Okay, Master, Ahsoka's on here way to the coolant system. I'm going to hang back here with Wolffe."

: Okay. How are you holding up? : Anakin asked, Mal sighing shakily as she looked once more at Wolffe. "I just want this to be over. I want the men and Ahsoka to make it out of here alive. It's just...exhausting."

: I understand, Mal. You guys will make it out, trust me. You're tough, and so is Snips, and so are the men. : Mal looked away from Wolffe, unscrewing her mask and lettong it fall into her lap. "Thanks, Master. I wouldn't be tough like this if it weren't for you and Obi-Wan and Padmé, even my Master. I'm tough because you guys helped me become tough. And I-"

Mal's eyes glowed red once again, like earlier, as she paused mid sentence. : Mal? Are you there? :

"How could you, Anakin? How could you betray us?" Mal mumbled in anger. : Mal, what are you talking about? :

"We trusted you! We trusted you to help us stop the Sith! And you joined them! Why?!" Mal exclaimed, clutching her fists. : Mal, I don't know what you're talking about, but whatever it is-:

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