× Chapter Thirty: Trespass ×

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Mal looked at the Wolfpack, which is the name that the troopers of the 104th call themselves in honor of their fallen comrades during the Malevolence mission, and sighed softly to herself. This was her first mission with them and she wanted to make a first good impression as their co-Commander.

"You seem on edge, Maleshei.." She heard her Master say as she looked up at him, Plo Koon didn't need the mask off to know that she was frowning deeply. "I am, Master. I just..don't want to make a bad impression on my first mission with the men. I..I want to make a good impression, inspire them, ambition them, that's all."

"And I'm sure you will. You shouldn't let this hang over your head, Maleshei. People will have their opinion, you just have to worry about what you feel is right." Plo Koon explained, causing Mal to thoroughly process her words. He was right. It's not about what people think about you, it's about doing what's right. Just like back at the Lurmen village.

Tee Watt Kaa wanted his people to lead by example for their tradition and their beliefs, but Wag Too felt that they were being cowards. That they were hiding while their people were being slaughtered. He did what he felt was right and he fought back.

Mal knew that was what need to be done. She knew that she had to do her duty as a Padawan and Jedi and do what's right and not rely on other people's opinions that could affect her in the wrong way.

Her mind separated from that issue just as Wolffe spoke up. "Sir, General Skywalker and General Kenobi, along with Senator Chuchi and Chairman Cho, have landed at our base. They're waiting for our arrival."

"Very good, Commander." Plo acknowledged before he turned back to his Padawan. "I know you're nervous, Maleshei, but remember to keep a clear mind."

"Yes, Master." The rest of the way to the base was silence. Calm yet eerie silence. Mal thought a lot about meeting Senator Chuchi. She spoke with her when the Jedi Council found out that their outpost station was overran, but that's about it. She couldn't wait to meet her because she sounded so nice. She wasn't like the other Senators besides Padmé. She was very considerate and kind. But she knew that would have to wait another time since this was a serious matter. She need to stay focused.

When they landed, Mal was greeted with the harsh cold, her bones immediately shivering to the sudden impact and she adjusted her mask a little more closer to her face for warmth. She spotted Anakin with R2 and C-3PO outside as if they were waiting and quickly approached, Plo Koon and the others following behind closely.

"Master Anakin!" Mal exclaimed while waving towards the man. "Mal! Glad to see you."

"You too, Master. I see Ahsoka couldn't join." Mal said while looking around not see her best friend around like she always does.

"No. Studies, studies, and more studies." Anakin joked as Mal laughed. "Ouch."

"General Skywalker. Has the base been scouted?" Plo Koon asked as soon as he approached his Padawan and Anakin.

"Obi-Wan's inside now searching for any signs of this being a Separatist attack." Anakin explained.

"And I don't think it is." Obi-Wan finished as Anakin turned around seeing his old Master approach with Rex.

"What do you mean, Master Kenobi?" Mal asked as Obi-Wan turned tp her and Plo Koon. "We'll know more when we get to this droid base on the other side of the ridge."

"Alright. Let's head there then."


"Thanks for the ride, Wolffe." Mal said after hopping off from the speeder she rode on with Wolffe. "Anytime, kid." Mal nodded, her dimples showing slightly through her mask before the two walked towards Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Plo Koon, seeing as they were examining a droid head that was placed on a stick.

"By the look of things, I'd say whoever attacked our base took out the droids also." Anakin thought out loud as Mal looked at them. "So we're dealing with inhabitants?"

"Maybe." Plo agreed.

"Rex, help Anakin and Plo Koon place the sensor beacons. You four, come with me. You too, Maleshei." Obi-Wan ordered as Rex and Mal nodded.

"Yes, General."

"Right behind you, Master Kenobi."


"Did you find anything?" Obi-Wan asked as soon as himself and Mal found Anakin, Rex, and Plo Koon below.

"I found some large footprints." Anakin said while examining a lot footprint on the ground. "Have one of your men make a cast."

Obi-Wan walked inside the communication room, while Mal waited until she was at her Master's side near the panel which just popped up a recording.

"685 to command. There are too many of them. They've overrun the base. We need reinforcements. Ah!" Mal gasped in horror as she saw a creature jump onto the droid and ripped it's head off. "What was that?!"

"I'm not sure, Maleshei. But there must be more if they were able to overrun this base." Mal looked back at the hologram, her heart racing in fear as she continued to look at the creature.

"Whatever it was, it's a good warrior." Obi-Wan mumbled. "The droid's log indicates they were investigating the southern canyon." Rex added in before Obi-Wan looked to Plo and Anakin.

"Sounds like a good place to start."

"I'm ready, Master." Mal began, however, Plo rested his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "No, Maleshei. I need you to go back to our base and protect the Chairman and the Senator. If these creatures attacked our base and this base as well, they may come back." Plo explained as Mal sighed, looking back up at her Master before nodding.

"Okay, Master. I'll go."

"Well, then it's settled. Rex, have yourself and Commander Wolffe escort Mal back to base and set up a perimeter at our base in case these things come back." Anakin ordered as Rex straightened up.

"Yes, sir. Come on, kid. Let's get out of here."

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