× Chapter Twenty Three: Jedi Crash ×

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"Mal! I didn't know you were coming with us!" Anakin exclaimed he saw Plo Koon's Padawan run up to the gunship that himself, Ahsoka, and Rex were on.

"Yeah. My master had an important meeting with the Jedi Council, so you're stuck babysitting me." Mal joked as Anakin shook his head. "Well, I don't mind babysitting another Padawan."

"So, I hear we're aiding Master Secura. Is that right?" Mal asked while looking to Anakin. "Yep. She's going to need all the help she can get. Her cruiser is about to enter the planet's atmosphere and we need to get her and her men off before it does."

"I'm sure we can do it, Master." Ahsoka said with encouragement as Mal laughed and nodded. "Me too, 'Soka." Mal looked to Rex who sent her a smile and she nodded.

"How's it going, Rex?"

"I'm doing alright, kid. The boys have been asking about you." Rex said keeping the smile on his face. Mal's dimples once again shone through the mask before she shook her head. "Is that so? How's Hevy? Is he doing better?"

"A lot better, thanks to you, kid." Mal nodded before the gunship took off through the air. Mal gasped when she saw that the cruiser was up in flames and it wasn't going to be long before it blew up.

Mal looked to Anakin, who looked back at her before she took her attention back to the cruiser. "What? Afraid of heights?"

"Nope! Just wondering how we're going to get on there without getting shot down!" Mal exclaimed before Anakin smirked down at her. "Maleshei, there's a lot you don't know about me that you need to know. Like one, we improvise around here."

"Wait, Master! Do you really think that's the wise th-" Before Ahsoka could finish, Anakin was already out the gunship and onto a super droid which was flying straight towards the cruiser.

"Um..should we be worried?!" Mal asked as Ahsoka shrugged in confusion and uncertainty. Just before the gunship could land, the engine had caught on fire and the pilot had to jump from out of his seat. Just before he could free fall, Ahsoka and Mal, using the Force, caught him and brought him inside.

With no pilot to steer the ship, the clones were force to hold on and brace for impact.

"Hang on, Rex!"

"I should be telling you that, kid!"

The gunship got closer and closer to the cruiser and Mal closed her eyes as the impact came, causing Mal to hit her head against the door of the gunship. Her vision went white for a moment, holding her head as she did and suddenly felt liquid on her hand. She looked down to see blood on her hand and realized she was bleeding badly.

"Mal! You okay?!" Rex asked while he came up to her. "I'm fine. Just a scratch. Come on! We don't have time!"

Mal jumped from out of the gunship and onto the platform below. Immediately they were met with blast fire and Mal and Ahsoka immediately ignited their greennand purple lightsabers, deflecting shots as they did while approaching them and cutting them down.

"Rex, follow us!" Ahsoka shouted as Mal and herself ran off, the Captain and his men following closely behind and approaching Anakin and Aayla Secura, along with her men, fighting off droids that were coming towards them.

"Master!" Ahsoka called while blocking shots, as did Mal. "This way is clear!"

"Alright, there's a ship at one of the emergency docks! We have to head there!" Anakin exclaimed while Mal nodded and quickly used her powers  and blasted at the droids, the droids crushing into pieces as she did before she turned to the others, who stared at her in shock.

"Come on! Let's go!" Mal shouted, snapping everyone out of their trance before she ran past them. As they ran, Mal's vision began to go a bit blurry and she groaned slightly when it did.

"Mal! You okay?!" Ahsoka asked while running up beside her. "I'm fine. Keep go-" Before Mal could finish, a rumble was felt and Mal looked back to see an explosion blast approaching them and gasped.

"Keep going! Go! Go!" Mal said while grabbing Ahsoka's forearm to catch up with the others. Just as she got in front of Anakin, another explosion came and it was much closer this time. "It's too late!" Anakin shouted before he force push everyone through the door to the ship.

"Master!" Ahsoka called as Mal got up quickly and approached the door, jumping through just before it closed and used her powers to create a force field similar to what she used when saving Hevy.

"Mal-!" Before Anakin could scowled her, Mal's strength drained quickly and the explosion knocked them both into the door, both falling unconscious as a result.

Ahsoka banged on the door, trying to get it open before she force pushed the doors open. The doors were jammed but she looked through to see Anakin and Mal unconscious.

"Master Secura! Help me!" Ahsoka exclaimed while using her lightsaber to cut the door open. Ahsoka quickly pulled her friend through before Aayla grabbed Anakin and pulled him through.

"Bly! Get Maleshei to the medical bay immediately! Ahsoka, you and I will take Skywalker." Aayla ordered as Bly nodded, came up to the Padawan and took her friend from her arms. "Alright! Let's hurry!"

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