× Chapter Thirty Four: Blue Shadow Virus ×

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"These are the coordinates, right?" Mal asked while following closely behind Ahsoka while keeping her hand lightly rested on her lightsaber hilt

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"These are the coordinates, right?" Mal asked while following closely behind Ahsoka while keeping her hand lightly rested on her lightsaber hilt. "Yep, this is it. We have to scale the perimeter so we can rescue the Senator."

"Yeah. But how can we do that? We don't know what we're dealing with here." Mal said, her eyebrows furrowed while looking around. She heard a sound and quickly looked down, seeing a scope just below her feet.

"WOAH!" She whispered while trying to keep her balance. "Mal! Whatever you do, don't let it spot you!"

"What do you think I'm trying to-Woah!" Mal began but was interrupted by Ahsoka tackling her behind a large tree root, out of the sight of the scope. "Thanks."

"No problem. This is bad. We can't get near the place without setting off the motion sensors." Ahsoka said while crossing her arms in disappoint. "So what do we do?"

"I'm not sure."


"Master, are you there?"

:Did you find her?: They both heard Anakin ask as they looked to each other. "Negative. We're pretty sure she's inside the lab."

"The entire area is wired with pressure sensors, Master. There's no way to get in without being detected." Mal explained while seeing the scope rise up again, looking around and both herself and Ahsoka ducking just in time to see it turn their way.

"But we're more than happy to-"

: Do not attempt to get inside. : They both heard Plo Koon began while a hologram of the lab appeared through Mal's arm plate, the red highlighted red showing them both where to go.

: We need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility. It should cause a nice distraction and seal off the bomb area while we come in through the hatches.: Obi-Wan explained before Mal and Ahsoka looked at each other once more then back at Ahsoka's commlink.

"You can count on us." Ahsoka acknowledged. : Rex, Wolffe, and their men will be right behind you, guys. They'll have your back.:

"We'll be waiting." Mal assured before the link ended and Ahsoka sighed. "Well, let's get busy before they get here."

"Okay, ready?" Ahsoka whispered while Mal handed her the bomb. "Let's do this." Ahsoka grabbed the bomb and began levitating it towards the pressure sensors in front of them. A scope had came up unexpectedly and Ahsoka quickly hide the bomb behind a bush, waiting a bit before the scope disappeared back into the ground.

"That was too close."

"You're doing good, keep going." Mal encouraged as Ahsoka nodded and levitated the bomb again towards a small crater in the ground, watching as three more scopes pop from out of the ground. "Get down!"

As soon as Ahsoka let the bomb go, it exploded, blasting a hole straight into the facility. Ahsoka laughed wholeheartedly, proud of herself that she was able to pull it off and thankful that Mal was here.

"There they are!" Mal exclaimed, seeing three gunships fly above them, automatically knowing it was Rex and Wolffe. "Let's join the fun, 'Soka."

"I thought you'd never ask!" Ahsoka said with a smirk before she ran towards the hole and jumped through, Mal also watching as Rex and Wolffe declining down a rope, along with a few other troopers. "We're coming, Padme."

Mal ran to the hole, jumping through as well and landing on top of a super droid, igniting her lightsaber and cutting through before jumping off. "Good to see you, guys!"

"You too, Commander!" She heard Sinker respond before she force pushed the remaining droids away, each crushing to pieces when she did. "Okay, now, we know that the Senator and the Representative is on this ground floor. We need to split up and find them. Ahsoka, you and Rex will take some men and head that way.." Mal began while pointing behind the group. "Wolffe, you and I will take the rest this way. Once you find the Senator, contact me so we can meet up."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Ahsoka said before she ran off with Rex and some men that were the closest to them. "Alright, let's hurry!"

"Mal, Ahsoka called in. She found the Senator with General Skywalker." Wolffe informed as the group came to a stop. "Good. Now we need to find whoever was keeping them hostage and take him down before they get away."

"Droids at your 3!" One of the men shouted as Mal looked to her side and saw a group of droids along with a doctor. Mal ignited her lightsaber, running towards the preparing to swing her blade. However, she wasn't prepared to be met with a blue gas that began suffocating her as she crashed to the ground.

"Commander!" Mal began coughing violently and gasping big gulps of air, her lungs burning up and sweat starting to form all over her body. She groaned loudly, rolling on her side as the gas started to consume her more. "Ah! Yes! The virus works! I knew it would! Now, unless you want your friend to continue to die, you will let me go." The doctor responded while holding up another veil, sealed with the virus inside that was already in Mal.

"Don't do it, Wolffe! Don't let him go! Shoot him where he stands!" Mal argued weakly, trying to sit up, but her body began to ache in a violent way. Wolffe looked at Mal, though his face was covered by his helmet, his facial expressions were scrunched up in confliction, debating on whether to end the doctor here or save his Commander. He watched as her body grew weaker and weaker by the second and he immediately sighed in defeat, lowering his blaster.

"Stand down, men..stand down." The others lowered their blasters as well, all watching as the doctor walked past them, the droids following behind him, heading farther into the lab. As they disappeared down the hall, Wolffe walked over to Mal, but she held up her hand.

"No.. don't.." Mal mumbled, looking up at him from the ground. "Don't come near me or you'll get infected too." Mal said, coughing in the process before she climbed to her feet.

"Why did you let him go?" Mal asked, looking at Wolffe then at Sinker and another trooper, Comet. "Because your life matters to us, Commander. That's why." Sinker answered, Mal smiling weakly at them. Mal's commlink beeped, interrupting the small talk and she quickly answered it.

"Master Anakin?"

: It's me. Where are you?: She heard Anakin ask as she looked around. "Um..I think the northwest side of the facility. Did you find that doctor?"

:Vindi? Yeah, I found him. But I need you, Wolffe, and the others to meet us at the main hangar. He's trying to escape.: Anakin explained as Mal looked to Wolffe and the others. "Okay, be right there."

The link ended and Mal groaned loudly, stumbling a bit when she stood at full height but quickly gaining balance. "Wolffe, take the men and go. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure, ma'am?" Wolffe asked, Mal hearing the slight concern in his voice, but nodded reassuringly anyway. "I'll be fine. Now, go. Hurry."

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