× Chapter Fifteen: Senator Amidala ×

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"Master Kenobi, a pleasure to see you again." Mal said as soon as herself and Plo Koon entered the command center, waving to Obi-Wan when he turned around. "Ah! Maleshei, a pleasure to see you as well. I see you're taking the role of Padawan very well."

"Yes, Master. I hope to continue my training and whatever I'm taught, I want to pass it down to my Padawan one day."

"And I'm sure that day will come." Obi-Wan said while nodding to her before he took his attention to Plo Koon. "Even with our full powered cannons, the Malevolence is eating up our attacks."

"The ship is massive. It can take all the hits, but it will take a long time for it to be destroyed." Plo Koon said as Mal crossed her arms. She stood there, thinking of another way to help with destroying the Malevolence. But all would involve going on board, and she knew that would just be asking for a death sentence. And even if it wasn't being destroyed at the moment, Mal knew that Plo Koon wouldn't allow her to go because it would be dangerous, which is partially true.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Ahsoka calling us in urgency. "Masters! I'm picking up a ship coming from hyperspace."

"Is it an enemy reinforcements?" Anakin asked who had just arrived in the room moments before. "No, it's a small Naboo ship."

"What?!" Mal exclaimed while approaching Ahsoka's side to look at the scanners. "I recognize that ship. We have to intercept it now!"

"On it!" Ahsoka quickly intercepted the ship, asking the pilot on board who they were. : This is Senator Amidala. :

"Padmé?!" Anakin rushed to the girls and had focused his attention on the small hologram of the Senator herself. : Anakin? :

"What are you doing out here?!" Anakin exclaimed,Mal noticing something between Anakin and Padmé but shook it off. : I was sent on a special assignment to make a treaty with the Banking Clan. :

"Well, you need to get out of there now!" Anakin shouted as Padmé nodded, however, her facial expressions changed quickly. : No, I believe it's much worse than that. :

"What is it? What's going on?"

: It looks like we're being pulled in the ship with a tractor beam. : Padmé said before the transmission ended, leaving Mal to look at Anakin. "What do we do, Master?"

"We're going to go rescue Senator Amidala." Anakin said solemnly before he walked out the command center, leaving Mal to look at at Plo Koon with worry.

"You wish to go?"

"Senator Amidala is an old friend. I want to help rescue her. I was afraid to ask because I knew you probably wouldn't approve." Mal said while rubbing her arm. "Maleshei, as much as I find this mission dangerous, if you are certain of going, then I trust that you will be in good hands with General Skywalker and General Kenobi until you get back."

Mal nodded, a smile creeping up under her mask. She liked being a Padawan, especially to Plo Koon. He understood her, and he was patient, but he also was concerned for her safety, which had none of until she came to the Jedi Temple, and when she boarded Plo Koon's cruiser.

She had no type of treatment like this. She was neglected, abandoned. She was surprised that none of the Jedi Masters back at the temple had sensed something dark inside of her.

Maybe they did, and maybe that's why they trained her. They trained her so she wouldn't fall into the hands of the Dark Side. Because she had more potential than they hate to admit. She didn't know the reason, but she shook the thought out of her head, her mind quickly taking it's attention back to the present.

"Mal! If you're leaving with us, you better hurry!" Anakin shouted, overhearing the conversation Mal and Plo Koon were having. Mal nodded before she looked up at her Master. "I'll stick close, Master."

"I know you will. Be careful, my young Padawan." Plo Koon said while resting both of his hands on her shoulders. She nodded before Plo released her and she walked away with Anakin towards the main hangar.

"So, how do you know Senator Amidala?" Anakin asked as Mal took her attention away from the ground. "Padmé was one of the first Senators I met when I came to the Jedi Temple. I was a bit of a troublemaker in my first year at the Temple, but the last time I got into trouble, Padmé had talked with me instead of the Jedi Council. She had talked with me and it almost felt like having a conversation with a older sister, or a mother. She wasn't scolding me down like the Council would have, but she was trying to make me aware of the consequences of me causing trouble. So, after that, she convinced them to let me stay and give me another chance. And they did. After that, I started excelling in my training. Then, I was called in, they said that I was being assigned to Master Plo Koon and here I am." Mal explained while meeting Anakin's curious eyes.

Anakin took in all of what Mal said to him. He knew his wife was a very generous person. He knew she had a heart for others. But he never knew that she had helped a Padawan. A Padawan that he never expected to be a troublemaker.

He just saw Mal as a sweet, obedient, and shy girl, he never would have thought she would have caused trouble. But then he had to remember that when Obi-Wan had found her, she was very naive and very stubborn. So, who wouldn't have caused trouble?

Anakin and Mal continued walking until they made it to the main hangar where they saw Obi-Wan talking with Rex and another clone trooper near the Twilight, Anakin's ship.

"Master Kenobi!" Obi-Wan took his attention away from the two troopers and looked to see Mal and Anakin approach. "Maleshei? I didn't know you were coming with us."

"Well, my Master allowed me to go. His only request was to take good care of me." Maleshei joked, giggling softly. Obi-Wan shook his head, a smile creeping up on his face before he looked at Anakin.

"You two definitely took your time getting here."

"And you never do?" Anakin retorted, a smirk working up on his face. "Let's go! Bad enough we're behind schedule." Obi-Wan said while walking into the ship.

"What schedule?" Anakin asked while walking onto the ship with him. "Are they always like this?"

"Yep. That's just how they are." The clone trooper from earlier said while walking up to Mal. Mal shook her head and looked at the trooper. "I've never met you. I'm Maleshei, but I prefer Mal."

"Commander Cody. But, I'm okay with Cody, sir." Cody said while shaking hands with Mal. Mal nodded before she released her hand. "Alright, I'll see you guys when we get back."

"Be careful out there, Mal. And take down some droids for us if you can." Rex said while slightly cracking his knuckles as Mal laughed softly. "I'll do my best, Rex."

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