× Chapter Twenty Six: Long Talks ×

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Mal opened her eyes, seeing that Ahsoka was sitting beside her, mediating as she did and her eyes softened slightly. She never expected herself to not trust her best friend. Ahsoka was like her little sister. She trusted her with her life.

"Mal? You're awake!" Ahsoka said while she jumped from her meditation pose and came up to Mal's side. "Yeah. I'm alright. Where are we?"

"We found a village while you and my Master were unconscious. They, however, are neutral. So, as soon as Master Skywalker and yourself get better. We have to leave." Ahsoka explained as Mal sighed, shaking her head. "This doesn't make sense."

"I agree. But Master Secura said we have to respect their ways." Ahsoka said in disappoint as Mal nodded and sat up slowly. "Careful. Bly had to stitch you because your wound is cut in deep."

"Thanks. I need to walk. I feel like I've been sleeping for days. My body aches." Mal said as Ahsoka nodded, helping her up. "Don't overdue yourself. You're still a little weak."

"Gee, thanks Mom." Mal joked as Ahsoka laughed and rolled her eyes. "Come on, Rex was worried about you. You should go see him."

"Yeah. I guess I should." Mal said as Ahsoka smirked her way. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering."


"I think the Captain has a crush." Ahsoka said with a childish smile as Mal shook her head. "I am not!"

"Oh, you so are." Mal groaned before she looked at Ahsoka with her eyes squinted. " 'Soka, come on.."

"Okay, okay. Go on." Ahsoka said as Mal laughed softly. Mal walked away slowly, being careful not to break the stitches, and approached Bly who had just helped carry crates of fruits.

"Hello, Commander Bly."

"Hey, kid. How you feeling?" He asked while tossing her a piece of fruit and she smiled, her dimples showing through her mask. "Thank you. I'm doing a little better, thanks to you. I heard from Ahsoka that you stitched me up."

"Well, when you've been working beside a field medic for a while, you'll start to learn a few things." He said with a small smile before he took a bite out of his fruit.

"Well, thank you again. That was really kind of you. Anyway, have you seen Captain Rex anywhere?" Mal asked while looking around. Bly smirked before he pointed behind him.

"Rex's on the hill over there keeping watch. Man was worried sick about you." Bly said as Mal's face went red. "Bly.."

"Haha! Just kidding. Go on, kid. He's waiting for you." Mal nodded before she walked away towards the hill.


While approaching the hill, Mal knew that she couldn't eat the fruit while Rex was there or he would know about the scar. Even though he told her he wouldn't judge, she still wasn't ready. She quickly took off one part of her mask and quickly eat the fruit. She saw Rex look her way and quickly covered her face back up when he did.

"Mal! Hey, you're awake." Rex said while standing up from his spot on the hill. "Um, yeah. I..uh..just woke up. How are you?"

"I'm alright. Just been keeping watch." Rex said as Mal nodded, gesturing for him to sit back down, which he did, and she sat down next to him.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"A little dizzy and a little nauseous, but I'll be fine." Mal admitted while hugging her knees to her chest, hissing quietly as she felt pain shoot through her side. "I..uh..also been having these dreams. They're..they're showing me something, but I can't piece it together." Mal half lied as Rex looked her way.

"How so?"

"Well, if I told you, you'd probably think it's crazy." Mal began as Rex rolled his eyes. "Trust me when I tell you, kid, nothing's crazy to me anymore."

"Well, either way, even if you didn't find it crazy, I'm afraid it will happen if I did tell you. All I can say is that our future doesn't look good. For Jedi and clones alike." Mal said while tightening her grip around her knees.

"Well, of course it won't. It's the Clone Wars. We fight until one side wins.."

"Yeah, except nobody wins the Clone Wars, Rex. There's a new war between what was once the Republic, now the Empire, and a small rebellion. There is no more Clone Wars regardless of no one winning." Mal explained while looking at him. Rex could see the red swirling in her orbs and she immediately looked away, knowing he did.

"How do you know all of this?" He asked as Mal looked from the ground down to Ahsoka, who was chatting away with Aayla and Bly. "It was Ahsoka, but she was older. Maybe around your physical age or a bit older."

"Like a future Ahsoka?" Rex asked in surprise as Mal nodded, looking to him. "That..does sound crazy."

"As crazy as it sounds, she said that my powers are getting stronger. Meaning that I'll start seeing events further into the future. Events that are minor, and ones that will determine the future. Sometimes I wonder if this was my purpose. To leave my abusive family and become a Jedi. To use my foresight as a way to help the innocent." Mal explained.

"Could you seeing Ahsoka from the future be apart of your powers?" Rex asked as Mal shrugged. "I'm not sure. But whatever this is, I need to speak to my Master about it. Or at least the Jedi Council. Maybe they'll help."

Rex nodded before they both sat in silence for a bit.

"Rex, whatever happens in the future, I need you to trust me. Even if you think it's crazy and insane, just trust me. You'll know what happens once it's done." Mal said while Rex looked from his scopes to her.

"Of course, I trust you, Mal. I trust you with my life."

"And I trust you with mine. But you have to trust my instincts if anything happens. If I get a vision and I come up with some crazy plan, just trust me. Please." Mal pleaded as Rex looked back down at his scopes. Mal exhaled before she looked up, though her eyes went wide as she saw something enter the sky.

"Um, Rex? Is that what I think it is?"

Rex looked up, too and quickly threw his scopes to his face. "It's a ship. A Separatist ship. We better warn the others."

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