× Chapter Twenty Two: Miracle ×

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"MAL!!" Rex screamed as he watched the base blow up and debris from it falling over the edge. Cody looked at Rex, his hand slowly lifting to his brother's shoulder as the Captain's body shuddered in disbelief.

He looked to the ground, being grateful that he had his helmet on. He didn't want anyone to see the small amount of tears that he had shed.

That was a rare for him. That never really happens. He has never shed tears before in his life. But it was something about the kid that made him feel like a human more than a clone. It's only by a few days and he had a lot of sympathy for her, regardless of not knowing much about her past.

"Rex..the gunship is here. We..have to go." Cody began as Rex looked at him, slightly shrugging the Commander's hand off his shoulder before approaching the gunship.

Just as he walked on, he saw Anakin and Plo Koon on board and lookimg around. "Rex, where's Mal?"

"She..she was in there, sir. I'm sorry." Rex said while lookimg down. However, his heart started racing like crazy when he heard a clone shout, "Sir, one of our gunships found something in the debris!"



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Mal opened her eyes to see the force field was still holding up and smoke was engulfing around it. She quickly sat up, seeing that Hevy was bleeding out.

"Hevy, Hevy, stay with me." Mal began while picking Hevy up and laying him flat on the ground. She took off his helmet, to make sure he was still breathing, which he was. She sighed softly before she used her powers and began to snitch him his wound which was at his abdomen, his right bicep, and his left shoulder blade.

"Come on, Hevy. Come on.." Mal muttered. She heard gunships overhead and she looked down to see Hevy blinking his eyes. "Hevy? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, kid. I'm okay." Hevy said while slowly sitting up. "Careful. I had to snitch you up and those strings will pop."


"It's a gift of mine. Don't worry, you'll be fine." Mal said while he stopped and fell back down, not having enough energy to sit up fully.

Mal patted his arm before she stood up to her feet, quickly using the force to make the smoke out of the way of the shield to see three or four gunships above them.

Using her powers, she created a surge which sent a flare like shot into the sky. One of the gunships turned it's overhead lights and it shined the lights on Mal and Hevy, Mal using her arm to block the light from her eyes.

: We got you, kid! Hang on! : Mal heard over her commlink as she quickly looked at it and blinked a few times. She rocked slightly back and forth, feeling a little lightheaded before she collapsed.


"Sir, can you hear me?" Mal heard as she slowly started to open her eyes, she felt a stinging feeling in them which caused her to close her eyes again. "Maleshei, can you hear us?"

She opened her eyes, looking up to see a clone hovering over her and Plo Koon and Obi-Wan hovering over her as well.

"Masters..?" She asked quietly as she slowly started to sit up, but she felt hand gently grasp her shoulder, pushing her back down.

"W-Where's..Where's Hevy?" Mal asked as she looked around. "He's fine, thanks to you, young Padawan." Plo Koon said as Mal's eyes went wide.

"He's..going to be okay?" She asked as Plo nodded. "And you are a miracle, Maleshei. Because of your powers, you and Hevy survived. Without it.." Obi-Wan began, but was interrupted by Rex and Ahsoka entering the room.

"Mal! Are you okay?!" Ahsoka exclaimed while running up to Mal and hugging her gently. "I'm okay, 'Soka. I'll be fine."

"Good! You had Rexter over here worried sick!" Ahsoka said while smirking over at Rex who rolled hos eyes. "Aww..you worry too much, Mother Dearest."

Ahsoka laughed as Rex shook his head, smirking as he did. "Well, at least you still have your sense of humor."

Mal laughed softly before she looked at Plo Koon and Obi-Wan. "Am I okay to sit up?" Obi-Wan nodded before he helped her sit up, looked around to see she was in the medical bay. The same clone she saw came up to her and quickly introduced himself.

"I'm Kix. I'm the clone medic for the 501st. How are you feeling?"

"A little exhausted. But I'm okay." Mal mumbled while rubbing her arm. "Well, that's good to hear. Well, you're in good condition. No injuries were sustained, no internal damage or anything. So, you're really good to go." Kix said as Mal nodded.

"Thank you, Kix." Kix nodded to everyone before he walked away to go finish treating Hevy. "You inspired a lot of men today, Maleshei." Plo Koon said as Mal looked at him.

"I did?"

"Yeah, you did. When Fives and Echo found out you were alive, they could do nothing but talk about how brave you were." Rex explained as Mal looked at him before she looked down at her lap.

"I...I had this instinct. This instinct to save Hevy. I...I couldn't save one of my friends from my past. I felt I had to make it up." Mal admitted as she looked up.

"Well, I'm sure that they would be proud if they were here."

(Okay, so I know that Rex's helmet is a phase 2, but imagine it being his phase 1. That's how he looks in this particular chapter.)

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