× Chapter Eighteen: Rishi Outpost ×

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"Hey, kid." Mal heard as she turned around to see Cody and Rex approach her with their helmets tucked under their arms. "Hey, Cody, Rex. Thanks for letting me come with you."

"Of course. If something's going to happen, we need to be prepared." Rex said with determination as Mal nodded. "We're heading for the Lalicia outpost first. And our last stop will be the Rishi Outpost on our moon of Kamino."

Mal nodded once more before she felt a sharp pain in her head again, and her eyes glowing red again like before. "Mal?! Mal!"

"A droid attack flare..?"

"Woah, Rex! What the heck are you doing?!"

"Relax. It's just as I thought. They must be the new commando droids.."

"There's too many of them!"

"These clankers have some tough armor!"


Mal gasped as she was brought back to reality and saw that Rex was now at her side and had a hand on her shoulder while Cody stood in front of her, pure fear and concern grew on his face. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just..saw something. Whichever outpost we're going to, it's going to be taken by droids. Rex said something about new commando droids or something.." Mal began as she looked at Rex.

"Great. So the Seppies are gonna use their new toy on us and we know nothing about it."

"Well, actually, I remembered Cody saying they have tough armor. That's all I really know." Mal added in as Rex looked to Cody. "Well, we just have to be prepared for what's going to happen."

"That's really our only option." Mal finished before she looked behind Cody to see Plo Koon and Ahsoka approach. "Hello, Master. Ahsoka."

"Maleshei, I see you're about to leave, I came to see you off before you leave." Plo Koon said as Mal nodded. "That's generous of you, Master."

"And yet, I sense you're uneasy. Are you alright?" Plo Koon asked as Mal looked at Cody and Rex. "She..uh..had another..vision, sir."

"What was it about?"

"I...I think we might be facing droids here. New commando droids. I guess Grevious was waiting for the right moment to use them." Mal explained while looking from the two clones to her Master. "I request that you proceed with caution and do not rush into battle."

"Yes, Master. I'll do my best." Mal promised before Plo Koon patted her shoulder. "You'll be okay, Mal. Just don't get shot at and you watch out for Rex and Cody's backs like they'll watch yours." Ahsoka explained as Mal rolled her eyes.

"As if I'm going to let anything happen to them.." Mal began as she chuckled. Ahsoka shook her head, her Padawan beads swaying from side to side before she grinned.

"Just do it." Ahsoka said while lightly slapping her friend's arm plate. "Yes, sir."


"General Kenobi, General Skywalker."

: Cody. How goes the inspections?:

"The tracking station in Pastil is fully operational. Captain Rex, Padawan Maleshei, and I are proceeding to the outpost in the Rishi system."

:Good. Report back once you've arrived.:

"Copy that. Cody out."

After his transmission with Obi-Wan, Mal came up to him and sighed happily. "What's up, kid?"

"Nothing. It just feels good knowing that I can inspire these men. That I can put into them when they feel they don't have any." Mal explained while walking onto their ship. "Yeah, well, you're going to get that alot on the field, Mal."

"And that I believe. So, this outpost we're going to next is in the Rishi System?"

"Yep. Do you think the droids will attack there?" Rex asked while approaching them from behind. "Well, if there hasn't been any attacks on any of the other outposts, then this one will mostly likely be it. Besides, it's your moon. The moon of Kamino. One wrong move and that outpost will be taken and Kamino may be at risk."

"You're right about that one, kid. Well, let's get going and find out." Cody stated as they all hopped into the ship.


"We're here?" Mal asked as Cody and Rex climbed down from the cockpit. "Yep. You ever used a blaster before, kid?"

"No. Jedi aren't meant to carry blasters. But I'm a fast learner, so I think I'll be okay." Mal said while Cody tossed her a nearby DC-15S Blaster Carbine. "You might need it."

"Okay, thanks." Cody patted her shoulder before walking off the ship. "Come on, let's get going."

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