× Chapter Ten: Debrief ×

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"This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt down the enemy's new battleship. As the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front lines, we'll be on our own. General Skywalker has prepared our attack strategy."

"Thank you, admiral." Maleshei listened as Anakin gave the plan. She was nervous about it, thinking there might not be enough bombers to take down the Malevolence. She believed that the clones could do their duty right, but she felt that they need more than just the twelve bombers that Anakin assigned.

"You have that look again." Maleshei heard as she looked to her side to see Ahsoka approach beside her.

"There's a look?"

"Mm-hmm." Ahsoka smirked before Maleshei rolled her eyes. "The red in your eyes always swirls when you're in thought."

"Does it really?" Maleshei asked while moving a couple strands of hair away from her face. "Huh, never noticed."

"Well, anyway, what were you thinking about?" Ahsoka asked as Maleshei sighed, folding her arms. "I'm worried, Ahsoka. Master Skywalker's plan is pretty aggressive. He wants to target the bridge where Grevious is stationed, but I don't think we have enough bombers for that." Maleshei stated, while looking back at Anakin who was still explaining the plan.

"My master's plan may sound aggressive, Mal, but we always succeed in the end, trust me when I tell you." Ahsoka defended, causing Maleshei to nod and smile softly. "You idolize your master a lot."

"And you idolize yours a lot, too. So, you like being a Padawan so far?" Ahsoka ask while bumping her elbow into Maleshei's ribs softly. "It's great. I really like having Master Plo to teach me. He has a lot of patience, which I really admire, and he's very kind with his words. He's like no other Jedi Master. I may have had a chance with Master Kenobi, but I'm glad that Master Plo is my teacher. And I wouldn't trade him for anyone else."

"That is very kind of you to say, Maleshei." The two girls heard as they both turned to see Plo Koon approach them. "And I meant every word, Master."

"I believe you did. What is the situation?" Plo asked as Maleshei looked from him to Ahsoka. "Well, Master Skywalker wants to target the bridge with General Grevious in it. It seems like an aggressive plan, but Ahsoka has faith that we'll succeed."

"I agree. This does seem like a bold strategy." Plo said while stroking his mask. "Do you think we can do it, Master?"

"I believe we can defeat General Grevious, but not like this." Plo expressed before the three heard Anakin dismiss the Shadow Squadron and Plo approached Anakin.

"This seems like a bold strategy, Master Skywalker. Are you sure your men can handle it?"

"I don't know, let's ask them." Anakin said with a smirk before he looked at the men. "Hey, Matchstick! You think you boys can handle this?"

"Yes, sir! There's never been a mission that the Shadow Squadron can't handle." Matchstick said while straightening up as Anakin nodded in approval.

"Yeah, minimum casualties, maximum effectiveness!"

"I admire your confidence, pilots." Plo said as Maleshei looked from Anakin and her Master to the pilots that walked away. Maleshei also admired the confidence these men had. They weren't like her where they were worried if they had enough bombers, if the plan was going to work, if the mission will be accomplished. They didn't care. As long as they were staying true to their duty, they didn't care what happens.

"Maleshei? Mal!" Maleshei shook from her trance and turned back to Ahsoka who was starting to snap in front of her face. "Yes?"

"Come on! We're heading to the bombers! You're going to ride with on of the pilots as their gunner." Maleshei smiled brightly at this. She finally could put her training to some good use and she gets to meet other clones. She patted her friend's shoulder before she gestured to Ahsoka. "Alright, Soka. Lead the way."

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