That's what she said

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She bounced down the steps, about a week later. She negotiated with Bruce. She cannot patrol, but she can go to school. She was ok with that. She grabbed her bag that was by the steps. She tripped and fell into Damian, wincing. He glared at her.

"I swear to anything that is possible, Marinette if you ripped open your stitches, in favor for skipping down the steps-"

"I'm fine!" she claimed a little too quickly for his liking.

"Oh yeah? Tikki, progress report." Marinette glared at the kwami and threw a cookie at her in the air. Tikki giggled and swallowed it whole.

"Damian, I am afraid that-" his glare hardened. "Popped stitches, easy fix." she zipped and hid in Damian's hood where Plagg was. Marinette let out a loud huff. 

"Traitor." Damian rolled his eyes.

"Come on Mari, let's go and I'll fix it on the way." she knit her eyebrows.

"Are you sure you won't make it worse?" he narrowed his eyes.

"You will be fine. Whoever did your bandages last obviously did a bad job. By the looks of it, it was Brown." she nodded. "As long as Brown doesn't do it, you should be fine. I tighten it so I can still patrol without wincing." he looped his arm around her waist and walked her out to the car, Alfred sliding into the driver's seat, shaking his head. Damian put the divider up for the backseat, and fixed the bandages properly.

"Almost can't tell they are there." he nodded.

"You're still not participating in gym class. If my Father said no to patrol, I'm sure Physical Education will have to wait." she nodded.

'yeah right.'

"Marinette, you are not. Don't think I can't hear you." she sighed and looked out the window in defeat. "Hey, it's just because I care." she nodded and gave him a small side hug. He kissed the side of her temple.

"How many people know of what happened? At school?" Damian pondered for a second.

"I believe Drake handled the media, since Joker went back to Arkham, and-"

"Wait, what? I thought he was-" Alfred rolled down the divider and gave her a cold stare. Her eyes widened. "Anyways, so what do I do if people ask me about what happened?" he shrugged.

"Just say it was too hard for you to go back to that night. It was traumatic and you were gone for two weeks." she pulled out her phone and texted Jason.

'Does the media know what happened? Like the kidnapping thing?'

'I don't know munchkin. You're gonna have to ask Timbo.'

'Quit it with the nicknames, Deadhood' angry emojis were sent her way.

'You've been spending too much time with Demon Spawn. I'm sorry, but you need to break up with him now, for me to keep my reputation.' she laughed loudly at that. Damian gave her a strange look, so she flashed him your phone. He raised his eyebrows.

"You are literally the only person he has ever not murdered besides Drake for making dead jokes. Everyone finds it a 'taboo subject'." Marinette crossed her arms, with a sly smile.

"Well, I am the blood sister..." Alfred chuckled up front. Damian's face went red.

"WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" She shrugged.

"Little birdie. It's told his wings blend with the night." he gave her a look.

"Did you hit your head when you fell down the stairs?" she stuck out her tongue at him.

"Have a great day at school. Marinette, do try to keep your injuries in mind, and refrain from doing anything rash or reckless." she blushed.

"I'll try sir. Thank you." Damian helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag. She sighed. "Damian, I may be injured but I can carry my flippin bag." he shook his head.

"Not today. You're going to have to remind Bourgeious that she can't pop your stitches when you see her." Her eyes widened.

"Holy shit, you're right." he opened the door for her.


"I'm a little sensitive in the ears queenie. You mind?" Chloe gave him an ice cold stare. He hid behind Damian.

"Don't get me started Wayne." she warned, Damian wrapped his arm around Marinette's waist.

"Wouldn't dream of it." he deadpanned. "Now. I don't understand what the big issue is? Marinette had to take time to cope with what was going on. Any more questions will be going to my lawyer." his eyes narrowed at that last part. Marinette pat him on the arm.

"Ok mini, angrier Brucie, chill. Chloe, would you like to go for a walk?" Chloe's smile grew devious.

"Of course Marinette, I can't wait to find out why you didn't CONTACT ME FOR TWO WEEKS!" Marinette froze. Chloe sighed. "Well, I'm just glad you came." without missing a beat, Marinette replied.

"That's what she said." Laughter bubbled from the blonde's lips, then cackling.

"Marinette making a dirty joke? How old are you again?"

"I'm just sixteen" Chloe whipped her head around at the blue haired girl with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Who- who taught you that?" Marinette crossed her arms and rose a brow.

"My brother is Jason freaking Todd. You know this Chloe." Loud whispers were passed behind them.

"I don't get it Jon." the girls turned around to stare at Damian. "The joke, I mean. Either one." Jon scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't know what the first one was but the second one was a media reference." Damian scratched his chin.

"'That's what she said'? I can ask Todd or Grayson later, but-" Marinette grabbed him by the hand and pulled him to the other side of the hallway. She whispered something in his ear then kissed him on the cheek. His face went dark red.

"Th- THAT JOKE IS EXTREMELY VULGAR BOURGEIOUS!" he pointed at her. Marinette took his hand while the duo across from them laughed their arses off.

"Damian, it is rude to point." He rolled his eyes and stuffed both hands in his pockets, giving her his arm.

"Todd tainted your mind. How could something like this happen?" Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Why does everyone think I'm so innocent? I'm really not!" The other three looked around the room, unable to focus. "I'm not!" Chloe threw her arm around Mari's shoulders, then pushed her forward. Marinette stiffened and her face contorted in pain. Damian cursed and was about to step in, but Marinette slightly raised a hand only he could see. She flashed a smile and walked away.

"Damiaaaaan What's the jokeee?" Jon asked. Damian gave him a look.

"I know for a fact that you listened in on what Marinette whispered to me." Jon frowned.

"Actually, she got mad at me for that last time. Somehow she knew. She told me if I ever do it again, she'd-" Jon winced, "you don't really want to know." Damian shrugged.

"What? She threaten to torture you? It's not that big of a deal." Jon gave him a look.

"People skills Damian, People skills. Now, tell me what the joke means." Jon whined. Damian smirked.

"You'll understand when you are older."

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