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"Where the hell were you two? Patrol started ten minutes ago!"

They both started muttering excuses and their words bled together. Tim pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Whatever you and your hormones have been up to, I seriously don't want to hear it. Just hurry up and get ready. Damian, Robin Suit, and Marinette, just.. I don't know transform or whatever. Tikki flew into the room and sat on her hand. Damian went off to go and suit up. "Hey Marinette?" she looked over at the man. "If you were to wear a dress for a wedding, what color is the best to go? I'm asking for umm a friend."Damn it Bruce why do I have to do this?

"Well, it can't hurt to go for a classic white, but the lightest shade of blue or purple is in right now. I'll get back to you. Does your friend need a designer?" Tim shifted in his seat.

"No, I don't think so. You guys should get going soon." she nodded, walking outside with Tikki and she transformed. She felt arms around her waist. Robin stood behind her, giving her a hug. She looked up at him.

"As much as I would like to stay here with you, what time does patrol end?" he thought for a moment.

"Normally Batman would end it when one of us starts yawning, but otherwise, we have as long as we want. We try to do at least one or two hours though."
She nodded and backed away from him while grabbing her yoyo.

"Well we better get moving." she swung away and left Damian with a sad look on his face. Moments later, he swung his grapple hook at a nearby building.  She was already at least a mile ahead.

"Ladybug, slow down. How the hell are you so far ahead?" he heard her giggle over the comms.

"It's not my fault you stood in stupor for so long Robin. Patrol is important, and it waits for nobody." he scowled at that.

"Why do you like patrol so much, and why are you so serious about it? I do because I get to get my anger out." she waited for him up ahead. He ran over to the red heroine.

"I have always been serious about patrol. I had to be because my partner would slack off, or not do anything for months. It's just nice going with someone for the first time in months." He felt awkward and wanted to hug her. It bothered him.

"So, do you wanna go down and open a new can of dead people?" She gave him a look.

"One, no killing and two, the saying is 'open a new can of worms'." he knit his eyebrows.

"DAMN IT RED ROBIN YOU LIED TO ME." there was laughing over the intercomms.

"Ok, so do we have a plan?" he looked down and kicked a rock, reciting what Batman made him say before every mission.

"Don't kill anyone, or threaten to slice out their eyeballs with a katana." she blinked at him.

"Well umm... yes, but like what's the battle plan?" his face lit up.

"Kick their heads in?" he was almost bouncing on the tips of his toes.

"We don't have a plan, do we?" he shook his head. Red Robin once again, voiced over.

"You two better come up with a plan and fast because I bugged the place an hour ago, but they are thinking about leaving." she started nervously pacing and chewing her lip.

"Ladybug, please relax, I seriously need you to STOP and relax." Damian tried to give her the message, but she was distracted. He then turned around and tried to focus on his breathing.

"Robin, why are your vitals changing drastically? Your heartrate is up, and you've struck a fever in under thirty seconds." Tim was either actually concerned, or was just trying to get a reaction out of the boy. Damian seriously hoped it was the first one. She put a hand on his shoulder.

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