The Night of the Gala, Part 2!!!!!!

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"MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG." a voice rang out through the large room. The auburn girl stomped up to Marinette. Damian took Marinette's hand and lightly pushed her behind him. He glared at the girl. "What the hell is wrong with you? Stealing Lila's boyfriend? You knew they were going out since they were 8!" Damian laughed, cold and emotionless.

"Cesaire? Is that right?" the angry girl nodded. "I have not moved to Gotham to live with my father since I was 10. And even so, My mother kept me away from people. I will be honest to say, Marinette is the first girl I have ever taken interest in. And before you start throwing more accusations, I suggest you get a lawyer, and a pretty damn good one if you are going to spread slander like that." the audience whispered about, but still stood quiet. Marinette squeezed his hand and stepped forward.

"Alya, I have told you more than once and I'll tell you over and over until you understand. Lila is lying to you. To all of you actually." she motioned out to the class. "Not only is she lying, she's using you. I've told you many times. You can not trust the indecisive." Damian put an arm around her shoulders and she smiled over at him.

"But Marinette, what about Adrien?" Damian's eyes filled with coldness and fury. Marinette twitched her ear.

"Alya, I already told you that I am done with Adrien. I didn't see who he was deep inside. And once I did, it was too late. I got a second chance with a much better guy, who supports me and doesn't abuse me and I'm grateful that he's in my life." Alya froze in anger then looked around her and read the room. She knew that either way, she would not win.

"I hope you two are very happy together." She seethed through her teeth and Marinette shuddered. Damian picked up the microphone.

"I apologize for everything that just fell out there folks but we should be good for now. Marinette," he looked into her eyes and placed the small box in her hand once again. "Would you do the honor of-" another screech rang out and it was Lila.

"How dare you Marinette! First you stole my Damibear and it hurt, but I eventually gave up. Then you stole my designs that I worked for hours on! Lastly, I think she drugged Damian!" Damian went to step forward and give the screeching harpy a piece of his mind, but Marinette had a gentle hand on his chest. She plucked the microphone out of Damian's hand and started.

"Hi guys, you may have just met me but my name is Marinette. Is it ok if I tell you the story of how Damian and I met? It's quite funny. It also has a funny moment about when Damian thought I drugged him." The audience chuckled. "So long story short, I was talking to Tim in the manor, and sibilings don't get along for one matter or another. So Damian was obviously mad at Tim and I," she placed a hand over her heart and chuckled, "I took his arm before he could swing and almost restrained him. I had a minor mental breakdow and I felt really bad. Damian hugged me, which seemed weird to many people at the time but for some reason we just clicked. That night, he held a family meeting and shouted out loud that he thought I drugged him. Looking back, I can tell he finds this both funny and rediculous. Right Dami?" he puted on the other side of the stage and nodded.

"Why do you have to bring this up?" he grumbled. She smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Because Damian, it proves that you have a heart and that you are a sweet guy deep down." he smiled at her and she pecked him on the cheek, handing him the mic. Lila jumped up on the stage.

"Marinette, why the hell are you still alive?" Her eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Lila glared at her.

"You should be dead by now. I took your friends, I took your family, hell I EVEN TOOK YOUR PARTNER AWAY FROM YOU SO WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COMMIT SUICIDE LIKE THAT GIRL FROM MY OTHER SCHOOL." the audience gasped in horror at the outburst.

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