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Time skip, three hours later. (I will go back, I swear.)

She ran to the door. It was locked. She banged on the door. It was pouring rain. Blood trailed behind her.

"ALFRED, DAMIAN, DICK SOMEBODY. LET ME IN!!!" she was sobbing and banging on the door. Damian answered. Her hands were bloody. She had cuts and blood all over her skin. A dark purple bruise covered her cheek. She was shaking. He immediately pulled her into an embrace and she just sobbed in his arms. Her jeans were torn and her jacket had a long rip in the back.

"Marinette, what the hell happened? Where's Todd?" she could't speak.

"He- He- we were attacked in the alley and he dissapeared. I- I didn't see too much but Adrien was there Damian. I swear. We were ambushed and I was able to fight them off and runn but I-," she took a deep breath, "I forgot Tikki and I think Jason was taken. I ran here as fast as I could." she was shaking more rapidly and he took her inside. They were both soaked form being out in the rain. Dick was playing cards with Tim at the table. Dick turned to Damian.

"What happened?" his tone was serious. "Where is Jason?" Damian sighed and repeated what Marinette told him. Dick turned to Marinette. "How much of the blood is yours Marinette? That's all over you." She twisted her jacket sleeve.

"Well on my hands, it's not really mine at least I don't think but in my stomach however, it's from the stab wound most likey." Damian knit his eyebrows and gave her a look.

"You were stabbed? Where?" she lifted her shirt to reveal a long jagged from her back and around her right side. "How the hell did you not pass out? HOly shit that's a lot of blood." he took off his sweatshirt to turn it into a tourniquet, but she stopped him.

"I'm fine Damian. Besides," she pulled out a long knife, "I got to keep this and since I didn't bleed out in fifteen minutes, I win!" the boys all gave her a look.

"Ho much blood did you lose? Last time you were able to say the percentage. What's the percentage?" she looked up in thought and leaned on Damian for support.

"I believe about 35% in blood volume. I didn't hit 40% yet, so I'll be fine." Tim's jaw dropped.

"Marinette, you should not be conscience. What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. I just need a small blood transfusion, I'll make it. I'm blood type 'O' by the way. Now, what's the plan to get Jason?" the boys all laughed and she glared at them. "What's so funny?" Dick turned to her.

"They don't have Jason, Jason has them. He'll be ok. After kidnappings, we give them about 2 days, then we do something." she jumped across the table and held the knife to Dick's throat. He gulped.

"Did Bruce put a chip in his arm?" Dick gave her a look and lowered the knife.

"How the hell did you know that?" she smirked.

"Well, I could feel Damain's in his arm, and the same with Jason. So, what's the plan?" Tim shook his head.

"Mari, we wait 2 days, then we go and find him. It's a rule." she turned around and ran upstairs. She ran in her room and slammed the door. Chloe and Jon were playing Uno. Chloe looked up horrified.

"What the hell happened to you?" Marinette groaned in frustration and went across the hall. She locked herself in Damian's room and grabbed the first aid kit. She went into the bathroom and got a shower and winced at how hot the water was. She got out and tried to bandage her wounds, she couldn't. There was a knock on the bedroom door. She put a towel on.

"Marinette, is that you?" it was Damian.

"GO AWAY I'M NOT IN THE MOOD." she heard him sigh.

"Look Mari, push me away all you want but I'm here. I already told you that I'm not leaving." she didn't respond and he sat in front of the door and waited. She was on the other side crying. About an hour later she opened the door. He was still there, on the floor he jumped up. "How can I help?" she threw her arms around his neck and cried. He saw she didn't bandage her wounds right. He walked over to his closet, and handed her a t-shirt and shorts. She smiled at him and headed off to the bathroom. She opened the door and he walked in.

"I can't get the one on my stomach."

"It's ok. I got it." he picked her up and placed her on the counter. After she was bandaged, she looked up.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry." he smiled sadly.

"Of course, and don't be sorry, it was my fault. I should have apologized like you said. What can I do?" she raised her arms.

"Hold me." he complied and carried her over to the bed and they snuggled up. The door opened and they jumped apart. Damian cleared his throat.

"Yes Bourgeoius? What do you want?" Chloe raised her eyebrow at the two then squealed.

"Sorry. Dick told me to tell Marinette that Jason's vitals are fine. He's ok. So, what's going on here?" Damian threw a pillow at her. She ran

"GET OUT." and he threw a pillow at the door and it shut. He looked over at Marinette, who had a smirk on her face. "What?" she cackled and rolled over and off the bed.

"Nothing. Just a small thought that's all." He rolled his eyes and put her back on the bed. His face wen't serious.

"So you said Adrien was there? Did he hurt you?" she pointed to her stomach That SON OF A BIT-

"It's ok. I'll just stab him harder next time." his jaw dropped.

"You got a good stab in?" she scoffed

"Got him right across his moneymaker here" she pointed to the side of her lip. "Yes, it's a scratch, but he can say bye to modeling." Damian kissed her.

"Do you have any idea how proud I am of you?" She laughed.

"You really shouldn't condone these things." he pouted.

"But it's assdrien." she kissed him on the nose. Tim knocked and opened the door.

"Hey guys, Marinette, a boy is here. Records say his name is Adrien Agreste. He's at the door. Want us to beat him up?" she chuckled and Damian froze.

"Nope, I got him myself." She adjusted the shirt Damian gave her, and pulled him downstairs by the hand. The pissed boy answered.

"So Agreste, what the hell do you want?"

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