Meet the rest of the family!

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"Baby bird what the actual FUCK did you do to MY SISTER?!?!?" Todd was furious.
Damian looked up, and around at everyone around him. He felt Marinette move under him and her barely saw her leave. She ran over to... Todd. What is this feeling inside of his chest? it felt like he was stabbed straight through the chest.
"He, he didn't do anything Jay. I attacked him and I felt bad." Jason looked up from the girl in his arms and met eyes with Damian for comformation.
"She didn't attack me, she felt endangered. Probably from me about to attack Todd. She did it without thinking. I could tell by the way her -" and Damian continued talking about how he could feel her weakness through her muscles and everybody rolled their eyes. Damian stormed off torwards his room and Dick followed him
"I'll go calm down the babybird." was the last thing he said before he left and he gave a wink and went after him. Marinette saw a few new faces when she looked up. There was a man who was wearing a suit. The suit was defidentally expensive, she thought, but he had dark circles under his eyes. Actually, everybody in this house except for Alfred did. I wonder what could make them this tired- a scream cut her thoughts off. No, not a scream, a squeal. A blonde girl in a VERY bright purple outfit came over to Marinette, picked her up, spun her around and hugged her.
"OH Bruce, this one is ADORABLE. Can we PLEASE keep her?" The man in the suit stood there and looked very awkward in a dad like way. He collected his composure immediately and pulled the blonde girl back. Jason pulled his arms over Marinette protectively.
"Stephanie," the man added to the girl "We can't just keep adopting kids, no matter how 'adorable' they are. Jason, who is your, err, friend there?"
She felt Jason inhale, almost annoyed.
"B, this is Marinette. The little pixie I have told you about a hundred times since you brought me here the first time." at that, everyone smiled.
"Does she have parents?" the girl Stephanie asked bouncing on the tips of her toes. To that everybody looked at Marinette, even Jason. Ever since I met Jay, I never told him about my parents. Or anyone for that matter. Should I tell them I am already in the foster system?
(Marinette has been in the foster system since her parents died when she was four. She ran away at age five with Jason, and they were as close as can be, so they considered themselves sibilings.)
"Actually," she implied, "I am in the foster system. My biological parents died when I was four. They were blown to bits by Joker back at our old apartment. I still remember the scene. There was blood everywhere and I ran out of the house and I found Jason there sitting on the curb and that's how we met. He helped me out and we've been close since. I just met up with him for the first tome in ten years on the plane." After that small story, she no longer cried over her dead parents. She barely knew them anyway. She remembered her mother's laugh and her father's warmth, but nothing else. Sabine was her aunt on her mother's side. She did'nt know she had any other living family members and at age 7, she moved to Paris.

"So, you're 15?" Tim asked with a smug grin. Jason smacked him upside the head.
"Don't you dare. I have no idea what happened but no. NOT THE BRAT." Marinette was confused and a girl with short black hair whisked her awasy by the hand.
"Hi Marinette. I'm Cassandra but you can call me Cass. Also, here is a dagger, as a welcome to the family." Marinette looked at the silver blade with a blue handle. Why is she giving me a dagger? I'll ask Jason later. With her eyebrows knitted, she stuck the dagger in her purse.
"Cass, you can NOT just give people who enter the house a dagger. You'll confuse, and scare them." A girl with red hair, in a wheelchair scolded. Cass didn't even blink. She apologized and moved to the kitchen.
"Announcement in the manor, annoncement in the manor!" a voice rang out through the house and Cass pulled her along.
"Alfred is probably going to ask who rigged the sprinklers to spray ketchup. Cass smirked.
"Wait, was it you?" Marinette was genuinely concerned for this family.
"Nah. But all the kids here, always know who did what. Like this situation, was Dick because he was too lazy to put it on his food. He figured this would be more fun." She laughed at that and added, "It might not be that though." and they were in the meeting room and she saw the angry boy again. He was drinking tea and he turned and glared at her with intense fury.
Great going Marinette, you somehow managed to make the boy angry again. Why the Hell is he angry?

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