Teen ANGER why, just why?

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The angry boy, was glaring at her and she had no idea why. What could she have possibly done? He already said it was fine to when she immoblized him the other day- her thoughts ere interrupted by Alfred.
"We are having this meeting right now, because somebody injected Damian with a.. what, serum Master Damian?" Alfred didn't even know what the meeting was about. Damian called it.
"Yes, somebody injected me with some type of serum because I felt strange yesterday. I hugged someone and I blame that blue haired female. You don't find it rather strange, that she just walked in here without doing anything? She injected me with a serum of sorts." He seemed very sure. Marinette's blood boiled.

"What makes you so sure that I injected you with something?" She balled her fists.

"Because, I AM NOT A NICE PERSON SO WHY THE HELL DID I HUG YOU?" His face was red, as a ladybug. Everyone except for Mari and Damian was chuckling.

"Well maybe, you acually have a conscience because you're not as big as a jerk as you think you are." She crossed her arms and he flared his stare.

"Well MAYBE, YOU-" he didn't get the chance, she tackled him from across the table and they were on the floor. Fists weren't flying, but they were just trying to pin the other to the floor the best way they could, until they were pulled off.

"Alright you two get your teenage hormones cooled." The batkids (excluding Damian) snickered.

"I know I apologize often," Marinette implied, "but when I apologize I actually mean it. And I refuse to apologize for something that is Not my damn fault."

"Maybe if you weren't such a troublesome goddamn elbow, we wouldn't have this issue."

"Nobody asked for your OPINION you abdominal shit goblin." At that, he turned and looked at Jason. And he shrugged.
"If somebody hurts my sister to the point that she can't fight, then you have to deal with me. But otherwise, she fights her own battles. Damian seethed in rage.

"Todd, if that weren't your sister, I would cut her into pieces." Jason laughed and suggested,
"She can take care of herself. She wouldn't ask for help if she were falling off a cliff. I don't interfere with her problems unless the scales were truly, not tipped in her favor. And even so, I trust her choices. She has never been wrong before except for that one time when she-" She was shaking in anger and Jason was very annoyed. "except for that one time when she got shot and she was in the ICU for six weeks." She turned around and sucker punched him in the gut
"Well you didn't keep watch bcause you just had to try and pickpocket Gordon."

"Jason," Barabra piped up "You tried to pickpocket my dad? and you lived?" Jason shuffled around and sat down again.

"Sadly" to that he was sucker punched again but by Dick and he fell on the floor.

"Where did the demon brat go?" He was gone.

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