First Day of The New School! (Part 1)

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"Miss Marinette, Master Jason asked me to awake you. You have half an hour before we must leave for school."Alfred was knocking at the door. The man walked across the hallway and did the same thing for Damian and walked away. Both Marinette and Damian woke up at the idea of being late for school. Marinette, because she was late daily, and Damian, because he was always punctual. They both popped out of bed and went to their separate rooms to get ready for the day.
Gotham Academy's uniform consisted of a black sweater vest over a white dress shirt and a tie. She had a plaid black and blue checkered skirt on. She quickly curled her hair, and ran downstairs with her bookbag. Damian was at the kitchen counter reading some news article on his phone and she sat next to him without a word spoken. Alfred gave her a croissant with a knowing smile, and she returned it.

"Miss Marinette, you will recieve your textbooks and tablet at school today. You are already registered, you just need to get your schedule and your locker code."

"Thanks Monseiur Alfred, I can't wait." She skipped over to Jason and gave him a hug and he ruffled her hair.

"Anyone gives you trouble Pixie, just brek their nose." She laughed and went up to Alfred, asking for coffee in a to-go cup. She added insane amounts of sugar, and closed the lid. Damian just sat there wide-eyed at the amount of sugar until he felt something move in his pocket. He took it out and Plagg sat there, making motions to his mouth.

"Could I get some cheese sir?" Marinette snickered, knowing why and he glared at her. Dick just ruffled his hair and moved over to the box of cereal. He went to pour it but,

"WHO ATE MY CEREAL." the kitchen was silent. Jason ran out of the kitchen and Dick chased after him. Alfred shook his head, dissapointed and remarked,

"You would think, at age 31, he would not get upset over silly things such as this, when we have five other boxes in the pantry. We must be leaving at this time. Let us be on our way." He grabbed his keys and Marinette and Damian followed him out to the limo. He opened the back door, and Marinette thanked him. They were off.
The two were vey quiet on the way over to the school. Marinette decided to break the silence.

"Do you think we'll have any classes together?" Damian chuckled and quipped

"We may be, I am in the higher classes, but Father told me the grades from your other school so it's a good chance that you will be." Marinette beamed and looked out the window. They have arrived. They got out, and Marinette waved to Alfred. There were a lot of kids. Most of them were hanging out on the steps. Damian payed them no attention but still, they stared. He had a permanent scowl on his face.

"Before we go to the officce Marinette, I would like to introduce you to my friends.They are not that bad, but some of them, may annoy you. Feel free to yell at them if they bother you. I end up doing it quite a lot. Don't tell them I said they are not that bad." Marinette giggled and saw the group motioning to them. She grabbed Damian's hand and dragged him over. Jon was there with a small group of people. Two blondes, both male and female, a tall boy with dark fluffy hair, and a boy with light brown hair. Damian cleared his throat and they all looked at him.

"Marinette, these are the other people who choose to make my life miserable. This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Paris. Don't bother her, I rather don't want to throttle her most of the time." Marinette hit his arm and scolded him for being so rude. She turned back at the group and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Mari and I'm happy to meet you all. Yes, I'm from Paris and Damian speaks quite highly of you guys. He said you guys are not that bad." Damian glared at her while the others chuckled. The blonde girl stood up, and shook Mari's hand.

"Hi! I'm Allegra, The boy who is reading over there is Felix, the boy with the fluffy brown hair is Claude, the light brown haired kid is Allen. Lastly, the sunshine boy with the glasses, is Jon. I have no idea where Bridgette and Chloe are though." Marinette smiled.

"I know Jon, but it's nice to meet you all." A girl with blonde hair, ran into her.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you, I'm just really late because my mom-" she looked up. "Marinette?" Marinette looked at the girl and saw the white sunglassess. She couldn't belive her eyes.

"Chloe?" Chloe was hit by a hug, which she gladly returned. Until Damian cleared his throat again.

"Right, I have to get to the office. Class starts- IN TEN MINUTES OH MY GOSH I'M LATE" Chloe chuckled and grabbed her bag.

"Same old Mari I see." Marinette looked down with another memory. Before Chloe left.

Flashback: Six months ago:

"Marinette, I have to leave. I'm going to New York with my mother. If any more of these lies get spread about me, my father could loose his job. I hate to leave you here, but I'm grateful that Lila came here. If she didn't, we wouldn't be friends." Marinette cried and Chloe hugged her one last time before she had to board her flight.

"Send Tikki my goodbyes along with Pollen." Marinette smiled through her tears and nodded. And the plane took off.
Chloe and Marinette came to an understanding with Lila and eventually became friends since everyone else was either a pushover, or brainwashed. Marinette has not seen her since that day.

"Hey Nettie bug, join us for lunch? You still have to meet Bridgette." She smiled and nodded while grabbing Damian's hand and pulling him to the office. Chloe shook her head and turned to the bluenette that just walked over.

"Not to jump the gun Bridge, but your sister is PERFECT for Dami. I just hope with the obliviousness of the two, that they can see it as well." Bridgette froze.

"My-my sister is alive? My older sister is here?"

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