Coffee and the Riddler: Part 2

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 "Now, for each question you get wrong, somebody dies. For each correct question, someone is set free. If you choose to not do it, I kill them all and you. Ready?"


"BRUCE." Tim ran into Bruce's office, where he was surrounded by his coworkers.

"Would you please excuse us for a moment?" the employees stepped out of the room. "You ok there buddy? You're pale." Tim nodded and breathed in.

"Damian and Marinette have been kidnapped by the riddler. Damian sent a message through his beacon, but they are already at the warehouse." Bruce was as white as a ghost.

"Does Marinette know how the riddler works?" Tim shuffled and fidgeted with the buttons on the wrist of his shirt.

"I don't think so, but I hope she gets the gist of it. Who are you sending?" Bruce inhaled.

"Can I send you and Jason? I know you have a few weeks worth of work done already." Tim nodded and called Jason. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose."I just hope they don't mess up."


RIP a guard ripped off the duct tape on her mouth.

"Ow! That hurt you sick twisted bastard!" the riddler laughed and Damian stared at her shocked. Two guns were trained on their heads, and the rest were all aimed at the civilians. The Riddler grabbed a chair and sat in front of the kids.

"Now, Question one, My first is found on an ocean wave, In the spring, the pit, and the mine, My second below Earth's surface I have, Where seldom sun can shine. My whole your dinner table must grace, And seldom fails to obtain a place, What am I?" Marinette stopped struggling. Damian, what's the word for the strange fancy salt containers? Do you mean a Salt Cellar? Seriously, it's called that? That's lame. Just answer it already! Lives are at stake! He has a chair, he's willing to take his time.

"It's like that salt container, or a Salt Cellar." His jaw twitched.

"Yes, set free one of the hostages. Ok, question two."


"Jason, for the twelfth time, we can't just barge in there. He has hostages. Besides, are you doubting Marinette's intuectuality?" Jason glared at him.

"No, but I'm doubting that asshole's idea of parenting." Tim rubbed his forehead.

"Wait. Are you talking about Bruce? He's always had parenting issues, you know that more than any of us." Jason strapped his last dagger to his belt.

"Of course I'm talking about Bruce. Normally, I wouldn't care. But this time it's different. Marinette has no idea what this guy is capable of. She probably thinks that this is all a game. At four years old I watched her beat five grown men at poker, and leave them bankrupt. I don't doubt a thing." with that, Jason pulled on his jacket, and left.

"Alfred, how much time do you think we have?" the old man looked at his watch.

"Most likely twenty minutes to get there Master Tim, but if I were you, I'd hurry up."


Jason could not believe his eyes. From the building next to the warehouse, he saw hostages running free, almost all of them were out. Only Marinette and Damian remained. Jason took a deep breath, and jumped.

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