Multi POV chapter 2

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Day of Marinette's arrival:

Incoming text from Jason:

Why is Jason texting me? Is this an emergency? I called him.

"Hey B, I have a favor to ask." I have to be careful about this....

"Within reason. No killing, harming, or shooting animals out a cannon again."

"Nah, it's nothing like that. Remember the little sister I told you about when we first met? The one that supposedly was off the grid and presumed dead? Yeah I found her. She's Damian's age but I don't want her to stay in a Gotham apartment. Or one of my safe houses. They are far too dangerous. I don't want her near any of that." I felt a smile on my face. A real one. For the first time in ages. I'm glad he cares about someone enough to feel responsible for them.

"Would you like her to stay at the manor? Would you also like to stay at the manor?"

"If that's ok. She's from Paris but was born in Gotham. I'm on the plane right now. Free WIFI and all. it sucks but it works. I think you'll like her. She has a......certain way with people...." What does he mean by? Young girl age of fifteen dissarms a terrorist on plane. Related to Once adopted by Bruce Wayne Jason Todd? So she does have a certain way with people.

Incoming call from Alfred:

"Alfred, hi, so glad you called. We need to prepare a new room. We have a guest."

"Sir, She has been at the house for the last hour. Quite a lovely girl. I just picked Master Damian up from school. I'll drop him off and pick you up."

"No need Alfred. I'll drive myself. See you then." I hung up and grabbed my keys. Where is that boy? He told me that he was- oh. I forced him to take a day off... I got in the car, and drove off torward the house. I walked inside the manor and I could not belive what I saw in front of me. Damian was hugging some small child on the floor. She was crying. She looked up and I saw her eyes. Heartbreak, pain, betrayal, but most of all, loss. I was still confused why Damian was hugging her, but that will be a question for another time. She seemed to be both touch starved but touch repulsed. Only certain people. Damian looked up and I did a double take. His nose was bleeding. The girl kept mumbling apologies, and Damian kept reassuring her, constantly. Jason introduced me to her, and I'm going to be honest, I seriously want to adopt the girl. I spoke to her and I can't belive half the things she told me. I'm glad she met Jason, but why did she come back here? She was led upstairs and I headed to the home office. I'll speak with her later. She needs time alone right now.

Later that day:

"Damian, why did you call a family meeting?"

"Father, I think the new girl, tried to poison me." that's odd...

"Why? She seemed nice earlier?" He turned around and snapped at me in a very brat-like way that normally, I would not tolerate but, I was curious.

"We are having this meeting right now, because somebody injected Damian with a.. what, serum Master Damian?" Alfred didn't even know what the meeting was about. Damian called it.

"Yes, somebody injected me with some type of serum because I felt strange yesterday. I hugged someone and I blame that blue haired female. You don't find it rather strange, that she just walked in here without doing anything? She injected me with a serum of sorts." Oh god. If this is Jason's sister, this will not end well......

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