Damian's POV to the new girl that whooped his ass!

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Today, was an exceptional day I guess. UP UNTIL KENT TOLD ME THAT I WANTED TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS. My lord that boy is more than enough for me to handle. I never wanted to throttle Drake so much. I only saw red on the way home. Alfred, Father, Grayson and Cassandra, are the only memebr of this family that I can stand in the same room with. Though I belive Titus and Alfred the cat are defidently added to the list.
"Alfred, do you mind if we pick up a few things for Titus? We ran out of the high quality dog food and I REFUSE to feed him table scraps like a wild beast."
"Of course Master Damian. Anything else?" his eyes met mine through the wind sheild mirror,
"No Alfred. I am fine."
We pulled up to the manor, and I saw that... the door, was wide open...
"Alfred, were we expecting company?" I saw bags inside of the house.
"Yes sir. I picked her up about an hour before I picked you up." her? who is she?
My thoughts went blank and my vision red when I remembered what Drake did earlier. God I can't stand him. The girl was standing next to him and the only thing I can say about her is wow. They were.....laughing? Her laugh was beautiful but, Drake doesn't have a sense of humor. He is as funny as the amount of sleep he runs on. Which just doesn't happen.
I threw the door back to the walls and I glared at his stupid smug face. I walked over and I accidentally brushed past the girl. I hope she'll forgive me later. I was about to deck Drake in the face, but my arms. I couldn't move them. My knees were knocked out and I couldn't move any of my limbs at all. Satin. I felt Satin on my arms so she must have used a ribbon of sorts. I felt her fingers brush past my arms and her touch felt like... almost electric. No mortal could take me down that fast. The only thing I could do was maybe.... oh. I reached for my belt and pulled out one of my knives. I sliced the ribbon off and flipped to my feet. I then saw her eyes. They looked hazy and glazed over. She collapsed on the floor and started muttering apologies and she broke down. I don't know why but I hugged her and it seemed like she needed it. She smelled almost like summer. That coconut scent. I felt her tears roll off her face and onto my shirt. I looked up and saw Drake. He had a damn smug shit eating grin on his face and I really wanted to wipe it off his face but I didn't want to move. Then father walked in and just stood there. He just stood there and stared and time just stopped. Then Todd came in and screamed
"Baby bird what the actual FUCK did you do to MY SISTER?!?!?" It seemed to be that Todd was furious.

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