Releasing Pain

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Damian walked into the kitchen and saw Marinette dancing around the kitchen and humming as she was making everything.

"Do you umm need some help?" Damian asked, but Marinette saw the desparation in his eyes. This boy seriously wanted cookies. She chuckled and said,

"You know, Jason had to go do somethng and I need a new cookie taste tester. The cookies just won't be the same unless Iknow how they are." His eyes lit up and he responded

"You know, I am a professional at tasting things. You can ask Alfred. I've been working on it for years." he joked with her then added,

"Seriously though. I have no idea how to make cookies. Can you teach me?" she looked at the poor boy and nodded her head. His face was so bright, it might as well be christmas.

"Did your mother not make cookies with you?" she asked jokingly and immediately regretted it. His smile depleated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." she looked away but he interruptd her thoughts.

"She's still alive, but I can never forgive her for what she did. She didn't...... raise me properly according to father. I lived with her up until I was ten and I have lived here ever since. She is just not a good person that's all. She trained me from ages 2 up until 10 to do unspeakable things. that's all." Marinette saw the hurt in his eyes and hugged him and he just stood there, unable to move.
Jason walked into the kitchen to see them hugging. Again.

"Why is it, that every time I try to see my sister, I always see you hugging, cuddling, or somehow physically on her?" Damian threw something that looked like a knife but wasn't. It was almost like a bat? But Jason caught it and stuffed it in his pocket before Marinette could see what it was. She was curious.Yeah her eyesight was quicker and sharper than the average human, but she couldn't see it.

"What was that?" she looked at Jason

"Nothing" he said, strangely fast. Damain scowled and went inside the pantry to find something else for the cookies.

"No, seriously Jason, what was that?" her tone was dead serious.

"How about this blueberry, if you tell us the big secret you've been hiding, we'll tell you ours." Marinette's face went pale.

"Nette isn't hiding anything babybird. Right Mari?" Jason laughed but somehow Damian knew. Damn it.

"Is that all Jason?" she asked trying to get him out. He seemed to get the message. But before he left he added,

"Yeah, right. Haha" She nervously laughed and continued with the cookies.

"Keep it PG you two. I still want to be able to eat the cookies. Damian, no poision in my cookies or Drake's" his tone was serious, "and also Damian, PAWS OFF MY SISTER OR I'LL SHOOT YOU MYSELF!" He smile the whole time that he said that. Damian rolled his eyes and brought Marinette some flour.

"Todd, Drake already actually wants to die, so I'd be doing him a favor." Jason rolled his eyes and left.

Marinette started shaking in anger at what Damian said. She remembered the pain. Memories started washing over her and she collapsed and started to shake once again. Damian looked around. Everything in the kitchen started to shake. She felt hot tears streaming down her face and she felt her vision spinning. Damian grabbed her shoulder and shook it. She heard him yelling and screaming her name, but it was blurred, and she eventually blacked out.

Flashback to six months ago:

Marinette was sitting inside after class. Her classmates have been giving her trouble so she decided to wait it out in Madame Bustier's room after class. All the teachers went home already so she was waiting until 5:00 because at 4:30 is when school let out and by 4:50, her classmates would be home so she wouldn't have any trouble, but she was wrong. She passed by alley and she felt her arms being held behind her back and she felt pain in her stomach, she caught a glimse at who her attackers were and it was her class. They were all taking hits at her while she was held up. The worst part was Adrien watched the whole time and did nothing. They insulted her while this happened. And that day, she was left with a memory that will never leave. She didn't file charges or anything, but she walked around with one arm in a cast and a black eye for about 6 weeks. It was awful and later that night, things got worse.

Turns out Chat Noir, or Adrien was on Hawkmoth's side and she had to fight him. That night, she won the battle against the akuma's but she didn't win against her partner, or so she thought. She took his Ring, and he fell off of the Eiffel Tower. He died that day. Her Miraculous cure saved him, but she still remembered the cold, empty eyes of her once partner.


She woke up to a blinding light shining in her face. She sat up, and she felt a gentle hand push her back down on the couch. Damian. She laid back down and noticed her head was lying in his lap. Why? She didn't know, but she asked anyways.

"Damian, what happened?" He looked down at her quizzicly and said,

"You passed out in the kitchen. You were crying, shaking, and you kept mumbling something about how 'you killed him' I don't know what's going on but everything in the kitchen was shaking too. I didn't tell anybody else because we all went through some sort of PTSD thing in this house. Everyone here has a pretty bad backround but yours seem to be more.....violent. Not more violent than mine, but still. It was bad. Do you have powers or someting? Because everything living in the house started to respond to you. Like it was a part of you." She sat up and grabbed his hand.

"I have to show you something." She took him upstairs to her room and shouted,

"Tikki, you can come out!" Tikki flew out from under Marinette's pillow and flew up to her.

"Marinette, you can't keep revealing your identity to people. Even if Dick didn't really understand what I am, you CAN"T KEEP TELLING PEOPLE" Marinette looked down at the floor, embarrased and Damian looked at the flying bug again. Tikki's eyes lit up and she flew around the boy.

"Marinette, this boy has a negative aura around him. Boy, did you tamper with the living and the dead? You died before and this was old magic. The lazarus pits were created every time Plagg puked somewhere, which was a lot. You should be dead." Tikki glared at him. He put his hands up to surrender,

"Hey, I didn't know they were bad until I met my father. My mother used to put me in there at least once a week growing up." Marinette looked up at him and she did what both Tikki, and Master Fu taught her. She put one hand on his head and one hand on his heart. She felt all the pain he was feeling and transferred it to her. The first time she did this 2 years ago, she passed out. But now, she just gets a little light headed, but this time, it was different. She felt more pain than she ever did. He held so much pain, that she was only able to take on half the amount he had.

"Marinette, what the Hell are you doing?" Damian caught her right before she passed out.

"I tried to take the pain you felt in you heart and your emotions but I could only take so much. The Lazarus magic however, was taken out. Do you feel any better? Like there is less pain on your soul?" She is amazing

"I actually do feel better but will you be ok? Won't you have the pain then?" He looked very concerned. She smiled and replied

"I set the pain free into the world for Plagg to collect. It will just take a second. Could you walk me to the window? I can't walk-" he literally swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style to the window.

"Th-thank you" she opened the window and let go. Of all the pain she has felt over the last 6 months go into the world for Plagg to collect. Damian shut the window.

"Are you sure you are ok?" She smiled god her smile is beautiful

"I'm fine Dami, just tired. Just give me a minute to-" she fell over. He caught her, she was fine but she wasn't very steady on her feet.

"Ok into the bed you go." He picked her up and placed her on the bed.

"nooooooooo I wanna get back to making cookiessss" she started slurring her words and he knew that she needed to sleep. He went to leave and she did the exact same thing that she did the night before. She grabbed his hand, and flipped him over and they were both in the bed.

"You know, if you want me to stay, you don't have to flip me over, you can just ask me to stay" his face was red, yet again and she smirked and weakly said

"Yayyyy I made you blush" and they both fell asleep.

Hey guys here's the second chapter, I hope you like it and I'm sorry for posting so late. Love you guys!

Guys I know Tikki seems closed off and rude almost and not like herself but I WILL EXPLAIN LATER. I'm trying to spread this out and throw things in at the same time. It will make sense later, just not now😂

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