Coffee and the Riddler Part:1

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"Mari," he shook her. "Mar, I know you're tired, me too, but we gotta get ready for school." she pulled him tighter.

"Noooooo" he picked her up and put her feet on the ground, forcing her to stand up and ended up dragging her upstairs. She still didn't move.

"Marinette, this is your last chance. Get up now. We have to leave in thirty minutes." she was silent. "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." he picked her up, fully clothed and put her in the shower with ice cold water. He heard her yelp and he turned off the water. "It's nice to see you're up." she glared at him and drug him in the shower and proceeded to drench him as well. He spit out water. "That was just unnecessary."

"Unnecessary you say?" She grabbed the shower head and sprayed him in the face then looked at the clock. "Oh, we have twenty minutes.... OUT" she handed him a towel and pushed him out the bedroom door where Tim stood, really confused. Damian brushed the wet hair out of his face and slammed the door. Tim blinked and kept walking. He jumped higher than Kon when he saw a zombie girl at the counter making a concoction of energy drinks. There were almost fifteen different ones spread out.

"Ma- Marinette?" She looked over and waved mid yawn. "Tikki said you pulled all-nighter's all the time so why are you so tired?" she pointed at the amount of energy drinks.

"Tim, the energy drrinks you have here, are not as strong as the killer ones in France. Therefore, gimme the caffeine, I wanna die." Jason gave her a look from across the kitchen.

"Pixie, did you get into my liquor cabinet?" she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Jason." Damian walked in the room in the middle of her caffeine cauldron. He sighed.

"Nette, I said you could have a little bit of coffee. What the actual hell do you call this?" She looked up with an evil face.

"My awakening spell." Damian gave her a look and smacked her hand away from the Monster can.

"No." She smiled evily.

"Then you shall perish." She tackled the frightened boy and Tim watched with wide eyes. Jason walked over, grabbed a cookie and left.

"Jason, you are literally walking away from this?" he shrugged.

"I don't wanna watch my brother get beat up by my sister. Wow that sounded wrong. Actually this whole thing is wrong." He walked out leaving Tim and a mess of limbs on the floor. Tim slipped out and Alfred angrily stridded in.

"Children. We must leave in two minutes. Stop this nonsense immediately." The two hopped apart and Marinette threw a few more 5 hour energy's in her schoolbag and they took off. She looked around the kitchen.

"Where's Dick?" Damian shrugged.

"Most likely at work. He probably left last night, I mean this morning." she nodded and pulled out a notebook and started doing an equation. "What the actual hell are you doing? I can't make sense of it at all." She scoffed.

"It's to figure out how far I can go before I overdose on caffeine. So far, I can add about 62 more mg's than last time due to circumstances." Damian
rolled his eyes and grabbed the side of her head. He then pulled it to his shoulder.

"Sleep you weirdo, you have twenty minutes." She rolled her own eyes and was out like a light. Not even ten seconds later, they were there. The school seemed gloomy. With the rain and the dark buildings around it. "We're here." She groaned and opened her eyes.

"Have a good morning." Alfred called as they ran into the building.  The staircase was slippery and the railing. Damian rolled his eyes and helped Marinette up by one arm around her waist.

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