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Come at me butterfly man. I will protect this girl until my last dying breath. And he charged.


He ran forward and sliced his new katana with advanced strength. Hawkmoth caught the blade on his cane. Hawkmoth countered the attack and sent a kick to Damian's abdomen. Damian, knowing which counter to use, grabbed his leg, swung up on Hawkmoth's shoulders, and back handspringed off and Hawkmoth was on the ground. He took a second, and jumped back up. He spat blood out on the front lawn, and smirked. He pushed a button on his cellphone and tossed it too Damian. It was a direct line to joker. He threw the phone across the lawn and lunged at Hawkmoth. He tackled him and pinned him down, and he ripped the brooch off of his tie. Hawkmoth detransformed to reveal, Gabriel Agreste. Agreste still had that smirk on his face.

>Tt<,"You are going to Arkham with Joker. I will defeat him as well." Agreste spat at him and Damian did not hesitate to knock him out. Wind surrounded the area, and a helicopter landed on the grass. Joker walked out with thirty armed men. Joker held up his gun and shot at Damian. A red blur knocked him out of the way. Ladybug swung her yoyo around in circles as a sheild. She looked him in the eye and blinked 5 times with a small flick of the wrist. He knew. Surround the outersmost 5 men, disarm them, and knock them out. The plan was in motion until Joker grabbed hold of Ladybug.

"Hi'ya little buggie. Butterfly man over there says both your earrings and the catboy's together will give me a wish. One that can end the world." Marinette, not knowing who this was, therefore not afraid of him, grabbed his other arm and used it as leverage to kick him in the head.

"Damn Angel, That kinda hurt." Damian fumed That is my nickname for her. He punched the clown with as much strength he could muster at the moment and socket him in the gut with enough anger to trigger cataclysm, just not enough to kill. Damian had a little bit of self control. Joker tried to absorb the punch but it had to much force and anger behind it. He vomitted and spat out blood.

"Hey umm, catboy? I don't know what to call you. You didn't tell me your cat persona name." Damian mentally facepalmed and spoke in a soft voice

"Lynx Noir?" he looked at her for approval and she smiled.
The rest of the guests and family ran outside to help the duo only to see that all of them were knocked out except for Joker who was on the floor writhing in the pain coming from his stomach. Nobody sympathized with the clown, for he had made almost all of their lives miserable. Bruce pulled out a cellphone and made a call to Gordon. At that point, everyone accept for Jon, and those who lived in the manor headed home.

"Bye dear, tell the dear kwami Koriand'r said hi!" Bye Kori!

"Tikki said bye!" and with that, her earrings beeped. Ladybug grabbed Lynx Noir's arm and swung away, but not without shouting:


They swung up to Damian's room and landed on the balcony, where he found the key to the door and pulled her in. They detransformed at the same time.
Plagg passed out and Tikki had to catch him.

"He'll be ok. Do you have any cheese? He hasn't tranformed in a few months...." Tikki set him down on Damian's pillow. Damian walked over to his mini fridge and pulled out a wheel of camenbert.

"Is this enough?" Tikki smiled at the boy with a small thank you and put the wheel under Plagg's nose and he jumped up.

"CHEESE, THE GOOEY GOODNESS!" they all chuckled and watched Plagg devour a whole wheel of cheese. Marinette handed Tikki a cookie and she went to sit next to Plagg.

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