Chapter 38 • Pt. 2

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damn the bitch is back just a few days after, IS THIS A SIGNAL, IS IT GOING TO RAIN???
hope so because it's so hot in here and horrible and ugh

could you please be polite and say hi back bc im seriously squaring up if you all don't start to greet me when i greet you all. first warning

so, in this one i tried to go back to my roots and be funny and i actually had fun so i hope you all have fun too👉👈

so, in this one i tried to go back to my roots and be funny and i actually had fun so i hope you all have fun too👉👈

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The one about tampons...

"Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit!"

Jungkook furrowed his brows in dreams and simply rolled over the bed, hugging a pillow, he didn't care that Lisa had just jumped off the mattress running into the bathroom. Honestly, the world could be falling apart and he wouldn't notice at all.

(a/n: im so f envious, lemme go cancel the fucker just one second)

Lisa honestly thanked him and his heavy sleep because this was embarrassing, so damn embarrassing, god, what was she going to do?

Few things embarrassed her in life but this was a disaster on a larger scale. Such a disaster that they could be sexist and give it a female name like it happens with all hurricanes.

First of all, she was dripping and no, she wasn't dripping in that sense, ugh, she wished. She was dripping in that disgusting sense that makes you want to swear your father for making you a woman.

It's amazing how men are responsible of EVERYTHING bad in the world.

She should have thought better before putting herself in this situation but in her defense, birth control made her periods way less intense so she didn't think about sleeping with a tampon, she thought a night pad was enough... WELL SHE THOUGHT WRONG.

Now, her oversized shit was stained, her legs were disgusting and the sheets... Lisa cursed in all the languages she knew while washing her body under the shower.

She really wanted to die and it felt so gross. Not because it was weird, it was natural, but damn it was always gross and annoying.

And after cleaning herself she really wished Jungkook was still asleep when she returned because she didn't know what she was going to do.

She didn't want him to see the stain on her sheets and she wanted to die of embarrassment, so much so that her skin was burning, she was actually feeling heated and flushed.




But then, when she naively searched in the counter drawers for tampons, another problem came up.

Why hadn't Lisa used a tampon the night before? Ah right, because she didn't have any more in the bathroom. And why was she now standing in the middle of the bathroom naked in a state of complete panic? Ah right, because there were no more tampons or pads.

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