Chapter 13 • Pt. 1

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this was going to be longer but i decided to cut it bc 1. i want to update and 2. i want to update that's all lmfao

so i want to see how many times i can update in november, like challenging myself to update regularly for just this month and see how it goes👀 and yes I'm doing this, a week before finals season.
do you think I'll be able to?

pls lk don't ruin my plans bc ill ruin you two, im 160cm of pure contained rage don't mess with me

and yes, the name it's bc the twice song

and yes, the name it's bc the twice song

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"Could you pass me that paintbrush?"

Chaeyoung moved quickly, her long, wavy hair, now blond, flew gracefully around her thin body, at the same flow as the small flown of the skirt of her short white dress. She moved around the table with soft and delicate steps, like a white butterfly and probably some boy gave a sigh, hopelessly in love with the prettiest girl in the Art department.

"Here you have," she handed it to Jungkook with a warm smile that he showed back slightly before returning to work, she sat down next to him, crossing her long legs a brushing her knees against his thigh, where she had been all afternoon and most days.

Recently, they had become more close than before, chatting in all the classes and sharing ideas. It was easy for both of them, they have the same taste in music and art, they also shared opinions on general topics. Some classmates were beginning to suspect and create rumors, but both were ignorant on the subject... or at least Jungkook, who was not only obtuse to notice Lisa's bright eyes, he also had no idea of ​​Chaeyoung's obvious attitudes towards him.

He was just having a good talk while painting, you can't blame the boy. Anyway, the talk was over because Chaeyoung got called from the door by the delegates of the other years of the department. As the delegate, and best student of the generation, she couldn't refuse to go.

"I'll be right back," she told Jungkook, touching his arm gently.

"Don't run, you'll fall," he teased, since Chaeyoung could be somewhat clumsy. She showed him one last smile as she nodded and tucked a strand of silky hair behind her ear.

God, this idiot.

Jungkook loved to paint, it cleared his mind, it distracted his emotions, his creativity flew, it was like fucking but alone... or something like that. Although he hated silence. Only psychopaths do silent activities. So having Chaeyoung talking to him was great, she loved to talk about anything and everything like Lisa, the first one was more expressive, the second one was louder. He could imagine them chatting with each other, although he had seen them many times... more than he could admit if he didn't want to receive a restraining order.

He was close to that, but this author was still avoiding to call the police.

At least this time he could use in his favor that Lisa and he were friends. I don't know how that explained his constant stalker looks, but it was less rare than simply looking at a girl he didn't know.

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