Chapter 20

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About Me?

Akashi's POV

I've been up all night thinking about our very own Tetsuya Kuroko.

I mean, of course he was a friend of mine and all, but he was weaker than Kagami and I never saw any room for improvement. Once someone figured his shots out, it was pretty easy to understand him.

His physical endurance and strength weren't to good, and Kagami was as good as the rest of us.

That is the reason I disregarded him as a Generation of Miracle, even though that name was given to us by other people. However, for the last year, people now believe that there was no 6th phantom member, just a member who was never seen in Japan.

Kahami was the 6th Generation of Miracles.

But the reason I've been up all night, is because of what Nebuya had said. Kuroko...was in the zone?

He and his friend beat those two? Two v two and beat them while Kuroko was guarding Nebuya. The video Reo showed me caused me to pale for the millionth time within the past 16 hours.

Kuroko was on defense against Nebuya, however it wasn't just defense, it was prefect defense.

I've never seen it in my life.

That other kid who those tow said was his "best friend" gave off such a presence as well, though even in camera, Kuroko seemed to have a larger presence than any of them. Which is why I was confused and thinking so much.

How does Kuroko now have this presence?

It's only been a year and a half.

"Akashi?" I heard someone say. I turn and see Aomine and Kagami who are early for practice, as always.

"Oh, hello," I said simply and turned back to my own thoughts.

"You okay? You seem out of it, which is highly unusual," Kagami told and asked me at the same time.

"I'm a bit shaken," I informed them.

Both chuckled, "Wow, what a funny joke."

I turned with all seriousness slightly scaring them. "Tetsuya is close to Rakuzan."

The rose an eyebrow, "No way, he's staying with hat Ogiwara kid." Kagami informed me.

My eyes widened.

Of course. Why didn't I think of that?

"Then he is definitely close to my high school. We scrimmage Ogiwara's team often, and their school isn't to far from ours. Which means, he's very close by." I muttered to myself.

"Wait, but how did you know Tetsu was there?"Aomine asked me with a face full of confusion and he actually looked concerned. More for Tetsuya than me.

"Nebuya and Reo were in Nebuya's family restaurant and explained to me. They played against Kuroko and his friend." I explained.

Kagami chuckled, "Man, I wonder how bad those two beat them. I mean, we can never beat them," Kagami looked over to Aomine who hugged in aggravation.

"Kahami," I said sternly confused the boy, "Nebuya and Reo lost. 17-21 was the final score, and I learned more than just how good that Xzavier kid is." Both Aomine and Lagami were listening intently. "Kuroko isn't who he was anymore, as well as," I paused, "he can go into zone."

Kuroko's POV

I sneezed loudly.

"Bless," Ogiwara said to me while we were all walking towards the station.

"Man, Suya, you better not be getting sick on this trip." Xzavier complained following us.

"It's been a while since I've had a serious cold, but it may just be allergies." I informed Xzavier who I think was listening. Not that it matters b it he should listen to his best friend when he is speaking.

"Maybe someone's talking about you," Ogiwara said and Xzavier laughed.

"That's the dumbest theory I've ever heard."

Ogiwara looked amused and astonished at Xzavier. "It's true, X. It's always said that if someone is talking about you, you sneeze," I informed him of most kids' imagination thoughts from around here.

"Uh huh, then explain my sneezing during the spring. Oh wait, I can. Pollen allergy." I rolled my eyes as Xzavier speaks. He had no idea where we were going but I sure as heck wanted a cold frosty treat where we were heading.

While on the train, Ogiwara and Xzavier were fighting once again over which fast food joint was the best. I ignored them happily, however I did notice also me one staring at me. Well, a few people actually.

First was a little kid, he was staring at my with wide eyes and looked like he enjoyed sitting next to me. He must've liked the color blue. He was so much like Kyo.

I smiled and turned to the kid waving, he jumped and waved back with a giant smile. "Mr. I like blue!"

"Oh?" I said with a smile, "Is my hair the right color blue?"

The little boy nodded his head. "It's amazing! I want blue hair! Mommy, mommy! I want blue hair. I want blue hair like Mr. here." I chuckled as his mother tried calming him down and the hot continued jumping up and down saying how he loved my hair.

On the other hand, there were some girls looking at the three of us. They were obviously high school students due to their uniform, however Xzavier and I basically looked like celebrities because we are pretty good looking and we dress comfortable but stylish. Kaho kind of have us a lecture many years ago about our fashion sense.

Ogiwara isn't too bad of a looking guy, and when with us he looked like he fit in because his attire was laid back and athletic and looked ready for any occasion.

I ignored the girl who happen to be giggling and staring at us, this little boy was so cute I couldn't look away. Then there was a woman and a man, both in business attire staring at me with wide eyes as if they recognized me.

Which brings me back to the girls, I kind of am a celebrity due to the raft of my family.

About 45 minutes later we arrived at the old town where I used to live.

"So this, MagiBurger," Xzavier said making the fast food joint sound boring, "how far is it?"

Ogiwara laughed, "It's just a bit in town. Right, Tetsuya?"

I nodded and began walking the path I knew too well. I was actually and secretly excited to get a damn good vanilla milkshake.

Though I'm sure Ogiwara already knew that and Xzavier can read me really well.

"Don't look so excited, Suya." Xzavier joked with an amused expression on his face.

I knew he could read me well.

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