Chapter 10

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Kuroko's POV

I came out of the locker room to see Remo and Marquis talking so I decided to sneak up on them but Remo was talking about me, which he doesn't do often.

About me, at least.

Remo was talking about how good I would be if I surpassed my old self. How sweet, little does he know I did. "Ready?" I said scaring the two males near me.

Somehow Remo glared his way into playing me before Marquis, of course, I didn't testify. If Remo wanted to play me, he could play me, but I hope he knows I won't hold back. Marquis shuffled his way towards the stands the gym had and where Remo had been sitting before. I was looked over at Remo but he was already staring at me. I gave a smirk, "Still trying to figure me out, I see."

"Tch," Remo blew my comment off and looked at the basket and shot the ball.

Now usually centers aren't the best skilled in dribbling and shooting, but when we were teammates, I made everyone do everything until it was second nature to them. Remo isn't the best with ball-handling, but he can shoot like there's no tomorrow. It won't go in every time but he has about a 75% rate. Of course, his first shot always goes in.


"Always did make the first shot. Though I'm sure you've been waiting for years to do that in front of me," I casually said with a smirk looking at Remo. He paid no attention and looked in the opposite direction knowing if he looked at me, Remo would either get pissed off or smile.

He hates smiling.

"Let's start then." Remo wasted no time getting in position, Marquis threw me the ball. "Shall we see who goes first?"

Remo nodded and we got ready and Marquis was confused but interested to see what we were about to do. "Rock!" I shouted.

"Paper," Remo said normally.

"Scissors," I said and Remo and I finished it together, "Shoot."

"Ahhhh," I yelled and Remo fist pumped. He won, He played scissors and I did paper. "Fine," I sighed tossing him the ball.

Remo walked to half court and turned towards the basket we were just near. "Pig," Remo said shooting the ball, it went in with nothing but net. I got the ball and smiled.

"You've been practicing," I said dribbling towards him.

"87%." My eyes widened, he must've shot every day for years. I was proud, excited, but most of all determined because now his shots would go in more meaning we'd have a longer game. I stepped to where he shot and shot the ball, it went in.

"Are we in kindergarten again, come on, Remo."

He rolled his eyes and got the ball going toward the far corner of the gym. He looked like a shot it with no effort needed and it went in. "Now we're talking."

"Wait," Marquis said confused. Both Remo and I looked over at him raising our eyebrows. "Are you guys playing HORSE?"

"No," I said simply and Marquis sighed.

"We are playing PIG," Remo explained. Marquis gave us both puzzled looks.

"Why would we play HORSE? That'll last too long, PIG will go by faster." I explained this time.

"You'll still lose," Remo muttered.

"Excuse me? Who won last time? Oh, I think I did," I gloated and Remo huffed sticking his hands in his pocket. I shot from the same spot Remo did and decided I'd show him something I picked up from my home country. "How about a little taste of green," I muttered and Remo heard me but gave a confused look.

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