Chapter 16

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Seen and Gone

Kagami's POV

Today Kise was coming back from some training session in Los Angeles that someone scouted him for from the last game in the tournament when him and his team were playing against someone else.

Since we were all having practice today, the Generation of Miracles decided we'd go pick him up for practice. Even if he was sore.

"Where is he? It's been 30 minutes since his plane has landed," Aomine said frustrated and impatient.

I grunted in agreement. "I really think we should leave his ass and go start practice."

"I second that," Aomine agreed with me.

"Nonsense. Kise should be here any second now." Akashi told us staring the same direction he had been the entire time.

"Kisechin is slow today," Murisakibara said with a mouth full of chips. Not sure what kind though.

"Guys!" We heard someone yell and look the direction Akashi had been looking. There Kise was running with a shocked, happy, sad, and impatient look on his face.

"Finally," Aomine and I groaned getting ready to go in the car.

"Guys, you'll never believe who I just saw. Like, it's seriously crazy. Especially since it's been a year. He's changed so much. He even has a best friend whose hair I'm guessing is dyed from blonde," Kise rambled to us making no sense.

"Who did you see, Kise?" Midorima asked finally making Kise stop rambling.

"Kurokocchi." He told us.

We all stood frozen. Kuroko was back in Japan, "Why?" I asked the question all of us were thinking.

"He's here visiting his friend. That Ogiwaka guy you told us about Kagamicchi," He explained.

"Ogiwara," Akashi corrected Kise.


"And who was that other person you were talking about?" Akashi asked Kise and I realized Kise did say something about who he was with. Like a friend or soemthing.

"Oh yeah, he's apparently Kurokocchi's best friend." That stung. Probably stung both me and Aomine. We may have been cruel to him back then, to be honest, I forgot Kuroko existed for a few months, but Kise reminded me just now. "The guy's name was Xzavier or something, he's American. Kurokocchi's been an influence in him since they were young. Though this Xzavier guy seems very selfish, I don't know how he could be like Kurokocchi. Oh, and they are teammates."

"Did you say teammates?" Aomine asked and Kise nodded.

"Yeah, they were talking about some team," He told us, "and that guy Ogiwara was there. Did I mention that already?"

"Kise," I shouted making him shit up, "where did they go?"

He laughed, "Towards the station. Though the next train doesn't leave for another 15 minutes. I have those memorized," Kise explained.

He can't remember half of the teams we are playing but he remembers the train schedule? He doesn't even take the train. All of us took off towards the station. Kise was confused but followed close behind. Everyone was searching left and right for the blue hair we all know to well. I was searching even more intently.

10 minutes had gone by as all of us searched but there was no one to be seen. "Chill out, Suya."

"Yeah, Tetsuya, just because we like to talk about food, doesn't mean you have to hate because of your diet."

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