23. Reconciliation

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DEDICATED TO: geetha1972 workbehindthescene

" We were two pieces of a jigsaw,

together at some point, side by side,

forming an image, beautiful and sweet;


A storm fragmented us, the two pieces drifted apart;

the conundrum unsolved, the image lies incomplete, alas.

Separated by a distance that refused to be bridged, 

what we shared lies forgotten; suspended by a mere string.

Some would say this was time, destiny's game;

cruel and vicious, unpredictable and insane.

Perhaps it was meant to be, for our paths to diverge,

before years of healing, and a blessing hidden in a curse 

brought us together again, side by side;

destiny once again being our inevitable guide.

The jigsaw is complete again, the past existent,

impossible to diminish and forget.

The storm that broke us would alas, 

always remain a part of us.

The broken branches, the fallen leaves,

the devastation that had greeted us cannot be replenished. 

What has gone is gone, chasing the past is an illusion,

and to chase it instead of reconciling today, can never be a solution.

We need to extend our hands today, towards each other,

bridging the gap and welcoming a new day, together."



16th August, Navi Mumbai

Tears; saline drops of water that escape one's eyes at moments, grievous or overly joyous. Grief has always been regarded as the stronger emotion of the two.

Grief- an inexplicable emotion that courses through your veins, surging through the wildly beating heart, flowing freely through your tears, or bleeding profusely through a gaping open, invisible wound on your heart.

Just as the waves crashing against the shore wash away the imprints on the sand, the grief of separation post the demise of someone loved can make one forgo all the good memories and moments of joy that may have preceded the catastrophe that brought forth agony.

Such was what had descended over the Mukherjee household; a sudden pall of gloom cast over the sky called life that had a sun called joy providing light and warmth amidst normal momentary showers and thunderstorms called ups and downs.

A crestfallen and exhausted Anindita stared at the deserted streets, through the clouded windowpane, as the rain crashed severely on the tarmacadam roads. It had barely been an entire day since her father's demise, and she felt more emotionally troubled and drained than ever before. The previous day had been tough; first, the news of her father's demise upon her arrival, her mother's emotional breakdown, her cousin sister's shock, coupled with her own grief had shaken her, reducing her to an emotionally troubled state, one that no outsider could decipher with one glance at her calm face.

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