15. Burns

267 32 28

"Through love, all pain will turn into medicine."



21st June

Third Person's point of view:

Anindita went to the hospital fairly early in the morning, in order to clear the due amount and get all the discharge procedures done. Agastya was discharged at noon and Anindita took him back home. The elevator which had worked for 8 hours before malfunctioning, was again out of order. Anurag came to help his sister so their father could be taken up to their home on the 4th floor. 

The rest of the day passed quite peacefully.

It was evening and the two siblings along with their mother were in the kitchen. Anindita was rinsing the vessels in the kitchen sink when she heard Apurba ask Anurag, "When are you returning to the States, son?"

"I was scheduled to leave on Tuesday Ma, but I postponed the ticket to Saturday." he replied

Anindita was tempted to snap at him. She wanted to tell her brother that he wasn't needed here, but she stopped short looking at her mother's face. She looked genuinely happy and Anurag's face reflected her expression. Perhaps he was trying to make up for lost time.

"Ma, I will take Baba to Mumbai for consulting a doctor. Satyaki gave me quite a few names and hospitals." she spoke 

Her mother stopped stirring the lentils and asked, "Which hospitals did he suggest?"

"Jaslok, Hinduja, Nanavati and he asked me to check the list of doctors at the Doctor House on Peddar Road."

Anurag chose to comment then, "He is a doctor right?"

Anindita nodded, "Yes. A neurologist and neurosurgeon."

Her mother thought for a moment and suggested, "Why don't we consult him? He seemed like a good person and his mother told me he is very much dedicated to his work."

"Every mother says the same thing Ma. I am sure you say the same thing about me and Bonu when someone asks." Anurag intervened

Anindita began explaining her mother, "There must be a reason he suggested the other names Ma. Satyaki told me that the doctors have completed their post graduation from universities abroad. The hospitals are pretty renowned too and..." 

Apurba cut her in between and asked her sternly, "Which college did you graduate from Anindita? Anurag?"

"I.I.T. Roorkee?" Anurag replied, his answer coming out like a question

"I.I.T. Bombay. But Ma..." 

Their mother held up her hand, "First thing; the question was a rhetorical one. You weren't supposed to answer it."

Anindita giggled aloud and Anurag bit down on his lip to cease himself from laughing. Their mother glared at them, making the two neutralize their expressions instantly.

"What my point is that the first I in I.I.T. stands for INDIAN and not INTERNATIONAL. And the first I in A.I.I.M.S. stands for INDIA. That is where he is from, isn't he?"

Anindita replied in the affirmative and Apurba continued, "I think he is as qualified as the other doctors and definitely experienced considering the fact that K.D.A.H. is a pretty popular and renowned hospital. I would suggest you to take your father for consultation there. Not a word about the fact that there are other doctors from universities and colleges abroad!"

Her daughter however wasn't sure, "Ma, don't get me wrong. I am not judging his qualification or experience, but most doctors tend to keep their professional and personal lives at parallel places. He knows me personally. Why would he accept Baba as a patient?"

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