4. Stranger

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"Love is a stranger with a strange language. Love is the language that cannot be said or heard."



7th May

Anindita's p.o.v.:

I walked up to the hotel  reception in order to check out. The lady at the reception handed over my check and a feedback form. It was time to return home after spending two days in the Big Apple. I had spent my time roaming the city, taking walks in Central Park and overcoming jet lag. 

Meeting Dada and my nephews had overwhelmed me and had caused my migraine pain to become severe after I had cried all night on the 4th. Fortunately, a strong dose of analgesic had helped it to subside. The other two nights had passed better and I had managed to get adequate sleep. Flying needs high alertness at all times and a stable sleep pattern is always considered necessary. 

I was relieved to have spent two nights without any nightmare or flashing memories. At least that would ensure a headache free flight back home.


The flight is scheduled to leave NYC at 17.00 hours EST and I reached the airport at 13.00 hours as I had no where else to go after checking out at noon!

I was done with the procedures and security check in no time. I am flying the aircraft EK 202 from JFK to DXB. 

The aircraft had not arrived which meant I had to roam about in the duty- free shops. I was tempted to buy a new watch looking at the ones on display but I cannot afford to buy a Rolex right now. The other watches namely Omega, Piaget, Longines, Tissot etc., were drawing me towards them but I managed to shush my greedy self. Turning to the other side of the atrium, I noticed male watches. This time however, I allowed myself to get carried away and stopped to purchase a Hublot watch for Baba with the hope that he would be able to wear it sometime soon. 

Looking at my watch, I realized that I still had about 1 hour before I was required at the gate. This gave me enough time to buy a book for Ma and another for myself. 

Just as I was done paying for the books, I turned only to face the same stranger who I had met on the 4th. I smiled at him politely when he greeted me,

"Hello Captain Mukherjee." 

"Hello Sir. Travelling back to India?" I asked him amicably

He nodded in affirmation, "By EK 202 to Dubai and then EK 500 back to Mumbai. Are you piloting both the air crafts?"

"Actually just the one from New York to Dubai. I will be a co-passenger on the same flight to Mumbai as you though." I replied

"Don't mind me asking this, actually I am just curious to know this. Why are you a passenger on the other flight instead of flying it?" he asked me hesitantly

"There is a specified limit in the number of hours of flying for an International pilot. The flight from NYC to Dubai is around 14 hours long, so we usually get a break of a day at least in order to recover from jet lag after such long journeys. Usually we are required to wait a day before flying another flight back to our home city, but I need to be back home by Sunday hence I decided to fly out as a passenger without waiting for a day or two." I explained 

People were pushing past us and that is when I realized that we had been talking to one another right in the middle of the corridor. He must have read my mind which is why he asked, "We are standing in other passengers' way. Perhaps, we can speak to one another in some other place. Or do you prefer not speaking to strangers?" 

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