8. Disclose

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"Confiding in you reflects the trust I have in you. I trust you to love me with my strengths and vulnerabilities alike; so that the next time I feel any pain, I have you to lessen the impact it has on my heart and spirit."



29th May

Satyaki's p.o.v.:

It's been almost a week since Anindita visited Agamani. I had to go for emergency surgery that day for a case of a cerebral aneurysm. The surgery had continued for 7 hours and by the time I had reached home, my mother and daughter both were sound asleep. I had planned to spend the weekend with Dugga... but of course, I had no such luck. Fortunately, Anindita had come home for a visit and Ma told me that she had kept my daughter occupied.

I am at the hospital currently. It is 4 p.m. and I still haven't had my lunch. My O.P.D. hours recommence at 5.15 p.m., so that gives me just enough time to go down to the Starbucks which comes to my rescue every once in a while. Shrugging off my lab coat, I switched off the lights in my cabin and walked out with my phone in hand. Several nurses and ward boys greeted me as I walked down the corridor. Nodding to them all politely, I reached the elevator which would take me to the ground floor. 

While fidgeting with my phone, I saw a pregnant woman approaching. I stepped aside chivalrously, giving her enough space to stand and wait. She acknowledged my gesture with a smile and then turned back like she was anticipating someone. It was Anindita who walked down the corridor with a medical file in hand. She didn't really notice me as she walked up to the pregnant woman and began speaking to her in Bengali, "We need to buy the medicines from the pharmacy downstairs. You are okay?"

"Yes Didi (older sister), I am fine," she replied.

The elevator finally arrived on the floor and I allowed the two women to step in first. It was then that Anindita noticed me. 

"Hi. How are you doing? How are Agamani and Auntie doing?" she asked me with a smile

"I am well. Thank you for asking and the two of them are good too."

Her sister looked a bit lost like she was trying to put together two pieces of a jigsaw. 

As if on cue, Anindita chose the moment to introduce the two of us, "She is my younger cousin, Aparajita. And bonu(little sis), he is Dr. Satyaki Ganguly. He is a neurosurgeon here."

I smiled at the other woman politely and she reciprocated. Judging from the two sisters' 'eye-to-eye talk', I could make out that Anindita would definitely be in for an interrogation. Siblings and their curiosity to know everything about one another! Although I don't have any siblings, I have surely seen the world of siblings with the help of my friends in school and college. 

Reaching the ground floor, Anindita waved a goodbye which I replied to with a smile. The two of us parted ways.


Anindita's p.o.v.:

"How do you know that Doctor?" I was asked immediately after the two of us stepped outside the hospital. I rolled my eyes. A few days ago she was asking me to interact with people outside and now that I tried it, she obviously has to interrogate. 

"I met him on a flight," I answered her briefly.

"He was sitting in the cockpit with you? Do you think I am an idiot? Tell me the truth!" she screeched.

"Bonu! I am older than you. You cannot speak to me that way!" I told her sternly.

Her lips turned downward and I immediately knew I had messed up.

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