" I-its not a big deal" Said Izuku.

" It is a big deal to me. It's what made me decide to leave. If the school wants to get rid of a hero like you, then I want no part of it. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you" Smiled Ochako.

Izuku felt like his heart was going to burst from happy. This girl was one of the nicest people to him in a long time.

"Y-y-you're welcome Uraraka... So what are we going to do now? " Asked Izuku.

" I'm sure we'll think of something. I don't think my parents are going to be happy, but they will be still support me. What about yours? " Asked Ochako.

" Oh... I think my mom will be more pissed at the school then at me. Actually maybe I should go tell her now" Said Izuku.

" That's a good idea Deku" Said Ochako.

When she said Deku,it felt complety different from when Bakugo said it.

It made him feel... happy.

" A-are you going to tell your family?" Asked Izuku embarrassed.

" I'll have to call. They don't live in this city. Do you mind if I come with you? I honestly don't want to be alone right now" Said Ochako.

" Sure that's fine" Said Izuku starting to lead her to his house.

' Oh my God! A girl is coming to my house!.... Oh crap I better make sure she stays out of my room at all cost! ' Thought Izuku worried about losing his new friend because of his nerd ways.

He led her to his home and opened the door.

"Mom I'm home!" Said Izuku with Ochako.

"Izuku? What are you doing here so early?" Asked Inko coming to the door.

She then noticed the girl standing with him.

"And who is this pretty lady?" Asked Inko making Ochako blush from the compliment.

Normally she would have a complete meltdown from her son bringing someone home. Even more that it was a girl. But she felt something was wrong since her son was home early on his first day, so she could put her meltdown on hold for now.

"Mom this is Ochako Uraraka." Said Izuku introducing her to his mom.

"I'm his friend" Said Ochako.

Izuku felt happy at the word friend.

"That's wonderful to hear that you have a friend Izuku. But please tell me what you are doing here and not at U. A." Demanded Inko.

" Okay mom... There's no easy way to say this but.... I... I got expelled" Said Izuku.

" What?W-why? " Asked Inko.

" The school didn't want me because I came last in a exercise. So I got expelled because of it" Said Izuku.

He felt his mom give him a soft caring hug as she cried.

"I'm so sorry Izuku. That makes me mad that the school didn't want after all, but I will support you in whatever you want to do" Said Inko.

" Thank you mom" Said Izuku hugging his mother back.

" And your friend was your classmate right? Then why are you here? Did you get get expelled as well? " Asked Inko looking at the brunette.

" No ma'am. I left on my own. Your son saved me back at the entrance exam. I didn't want to stay at a school that thinks he's not cut out to be a hero. So I left with him" Said Ochako.

She then found herself being forced into the group hug by Inko who was now full on bawling her eyes out.

"That makes me so happy! Thank you! Thank you!" Said Inko.

"I-its no problem miss Midoriya." Said Ochako suprised from her strong grip despite being a small woman.

"You gave up your school career just so my son wouldn't be alone! Please stay for a while, I will make us all some lunch! Izuku show her around! " Said Inko releasing the pair and she went to the kitchen.

" Do you mind if I call my family?" Asked Ochako.

"Go ahead" Said Izuku.

He noticed that she had a flip phone but he didn't want to be rude by asking questions. He watched her disappear around the corner as she wanted privacy.

And now he has his own problems to think about

' Wonder what All might is going to say. He might take his quirk back when he finds out. If that's possible. I still can't believe even with this power I still came last. And I still feel bad for Uraraka. I think I should see how she's doing' Thought Izuku. He felt himself start to cry but he knew he has to be strong. At least he's not doing this alone.

He turned the corner and he found Ochako still on the phone. Ochako saw him and signaled for him to come over.

"Mom that boy I was talking about is right here.... She wants to hear your voice" Said Ochako giving him the phone.

" Hello? " Said Izuku.

" Hi! Are you the cute boy my daughter was talking about? " Asked Ochako's mom.

" I NEVER SAID CUTE! " Yelled Ochako with a blush. Izuku had one as well.

"Anyway I want to say thank you for saving my daughter. It means a lot me and my husband. And whatever you two decide to do from here on, we will both be supportive to you. She even said you are her hero" Said Ochako's mom.

" I-its no problem" Said Izuku still not used to getting praise.

"Well me and my husband have to get to work. Good luck you both. Love you Ochako" Said Ochako's mom.

" Love you too mom. Bye" Said Ochako with the phone back.

She hung up and put the phone back in her pocket.

" My mom seem to like you" Said Ochako.

" That's really great...so what are we going to do about our hero career?" Asked Izuku.

"Hey kids lunch is ready! " Called out Inko from the kitchen.

" We can talk about it over lunch. I'm starving" Said Ochako.

" Me to" Said Izuku.

Whatever they were going to do, they wouldn't have to do it alone now.

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