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"So how was last night?" Amber asked.

She was sprawled out on my bed with a stupid grin on her face.

"It was good but we agreed to just be friends at the end of it, I'm not right to move on just yet Amber", I sighed.

Last night had went well, I quickly came to the realisation that Jackson was a charmer and a smooth talker. He was kind, sensible and smart. The only problem was there was no spark, no chemistry.

"Hayley, he is going to get snatched up when he joins our school and I really thought you two would be cute together", she pouted and I playfully hit her arm.

"I am not ready for a new relationship", I said more sterner, and she quickly nodded in understandment.

She held her hands up in mock surrender and stated, "Fine I'll change the subject. Can you believe Christmas is in three days?"

I lay my head on my pillow and groaned. "It's going to be so different this year, what with Dad at his sisters, and Lola being miserable. She just cannot wrap her head around our parents divorce".

"I have an idea, how about we take her to the Christmas markets. She would love that", Amber exclaimed.

"Sometimes you have good ideas, and for once this is one of them", I laughed. "LOLA GET READY WE'RE LEAVING FOR THE CHRISTMAS MARKETS", I yelled and a few seconds later my bedroom door creaked open.

"Why?" my little sister asked softly and I could see by her red eyes that she had been crying.

"Because I really think we could both benefit from getting out of this house".

After a moment of hesitation, Lola nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll go get ready now". She hurried out of my room and shut the door behind her.

"What's the bet that Luke will be here with Eliza?" I asked Amber and she grimaced in reply.

"Probably pretty high, seeing as a fresh snow fell last night and it would be pretty romantic", she sighed. I got up then and put on my favourite winter coat and placed a white bobble hat on my head. 

"Well don't just sit there, get your coat and boots on", I rushed her. She gave me a funny look before she heaved herself off my bed. 

"Someone's an eager beaver", she muttered, and I glared at her. 

"No, I have realised that I cannot put my whole life on standstill over one guy. One guy who I'll probably laugh about in a few years", I shrugged. 

Amber gave me another look as she pulled on her long plum coloured coat. 


"It's so beautiful", Lola sighed in amazement. 

I followed her gaze over to the Christmas market and couldn't help but smile when my eyes fel on the warm Christmas lights that were strung from stall to stall. The snow had really made everything look ten times more magical. I ran my eyes over the rows and rows of stalls. 

"First lets get some churros", Amber announced, tearing my attention away from studying the magic of Christmas. 

"I'm just going to get a hot chocolate", I sighed. "Do you want one?" I asked Amber and Lola. 

"I'll get one later", Lola stated and Amber just shook her head. They walked off in one direction and I walked in the opposite, where I I had spotted people buying steaming paper cups during my scan of the area. 

I glanced at the happy little families as I passed. Mothers and fathers holding hands with their young children, who were all smiling and laughing. Little did those kids know that the older they got, the further their parents would grow and the resentment between them will also blossom.  Maybe humans were not cut out for being with the same person their whole life. People change so much and eventually you don't recognise the person you once loved.

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