Broken nose

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We arrived at my house at ten o'clock that night. He walked me to the front door .

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked and he gave me a small smile.

"I suppose I could spare an hour, moms in bed anyway", he shrugged. "Dads home now too so there's not much I can do at home, only think about you". I tried to control my cheeks from flaming up but failed, we entered my house and mom glared at me from the kitchen.

"Only for Lola telling me where you had gone, I'd have never known". I rolled my eyes and went upstairs with Luke. He raised a brow at me but I just flopped on my bed.

"Ugh", I groaned and he chuckled at me from across the room.

"Pull down your shirt", he suggested and I looked down and seen my top had risen way up. I stuck my tongue out but pulled it down anyway. He lay beside me and placed his hand over my stomach.

"I can't deal with my mother anymore. She never says anything nice to me whenever she sees me. It's always, why are you late? Why are you dressed like that? Who are you going out with now?" I huffed and he giggled and kissed the side of my cheek.

"Come on she just worries about you". I turned on my side to look at him.

"No she doesn't. She just hates how I turned out", I sighed and he pushed my hair behind my ear. "I wish we could just stay like this forever".

"One day baby. One day", he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you want to talk about today?" I asked but he shook his head.

"Not really baby, if that's okay?"

"Of course it's fine but please don't ever be afraid to talk to me. I'm your girlfriend, I'm here for the good times and the bad", I told him and he nodded his head knowingly. He snatched my phone and began to play some Billy Joel. Billy Joel was his favorite singer.

"Do you know why I first started listening to him?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Grandad use to always have his records playing and him and grandma were always dancing and singing along to his songs", he chuckled softly at the memory. "I say I was ten years old when I first started listening to his songs on my own and realized how amazing they all actually were". I bit my lip at his story. I could actually imagine ten year old Luke sitting on the floor in his room listening to Billy Joel on repeat.

"Well will you sing me a song you're the piano man?" I giggled. He sang along to the song lowly and I smiled. He was honestly a great singer. He tickled my sides as he sang which ruined the moment because I couldn't stop laughing. A knock on the door disrupted us and dad walked in.

"Good you's are decent", he chuckled. "Good song choice by the way but would you mind keeping it down we're heading to bed", he said and I nodded my head and my dad left.

"Want to go downstairs?" I asked and he agreed. We went downstairs together and I made us both some coffee.

"I am so in love with you", he randomly said as I handed him his coffee. I kissed his lips gently and we sat at the kitchen table. "I won't be going back to college tomorrow as the funeral is on but I'll be going back up on Tuesday", he explained and I nodded my head understandingly.

"I just can't believe that he's gone", I commented and he nodded his head.

"Okay well are you going to dance with me?" He asked and 'she's always a woman' started to play. I nodded my head and he pulled me off the chair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I hung mine over his shoulders and lay my head on his chest. He sang along to the song quietly and I blinked away tears.

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