The one

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I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and shrugged. I was wearing a black denim skirt with a white off the shoulder playsuit. I stomped out of my room with my white nike's which had been scuffed up quite a bit since I got them. I was about to go on my first date since Luke and I had broke up. Amber had set this date up and all I could do was pray he was not a creep. I was not used to this. I didn't date before Luke and it just felt weird now.

"You look pretty", mom smiled when I entered the kitchen. Things had been going slightly better between the two of us. She was no longer pretending that I did not exist and it felt good. Our relationship had never been amazing but it was still better to have one with her than ignore each others existence.

"Thanks mom", I shrugged as I pulled on my new white fluffy jacket. The doorbell rang and I took a deep breath. I walked to the front door and swung it open. There stood a guy with the most striking green eyes I had ever seen. He had messy brown hair and a smile that made my knees go weak.

"You Hayley?" he asked his mouth forming into a half smile.

"Mmhhmm", I managed to say. "Sorry yeah I'm Hayley".

He chuckled lowly at me as I shut the front door behind me.

"Well I'm Jackson but just call me Jack", he explained as we walked towards his car. "So is it okay if we eat first?"

"Yeah sure, I'm starving", I muttered as we got into the car. "What did you have in mind?"

"I'm not so sure, I'm only new around here. But people have told me Sanderson's does amazing food".

Sanderson's was a little restaurant in the centre of the town and he was right there food is delicious. Luke and I use to always go there when we first started going out.

Hayley, stop thinking about Luke.

"That sounds good", I replied politely. I studied Jack from the corner of my eye as he started his car up. How did Amber know him? He was gorgeous, and he was single. There was definitely something not adding up here. "Why are you single?" I blurted out.

Hayley, I scolded myself.

"I don't know", he laughed.

"But you're extremely good looking".

"Amber was not lying when she said you were forward", he grinned, which caused my knees to go weak again. Thank god I was sitting down.

"How do you know Amber?"

If I had of realised Amber had a secret stash of hot guys, I would've went on the dating scene much sooner.

"She's my cousin. Our moms are sisters".

He pulled into the carpark outside Sanderson's and we both got out of his car.

"You look stunning", he stated as his eyes roamed over my body.

"Thanks. Now lets go get some food", I laughed and we walked into the restaurant.

"Hello, welcome to sandersons", a waitress announced cheerily as we entered. "Please follow me".

We followed her over to a little table and she gestured for us to sit down.

"Here are your menus and I will be with you shortly".

Once we were alone Jack flashed me another grin.

"So is this where all the young people take there dates?" he asked as he glanced around the room. I followed his amused gaze and indeed there was a lot of young couples.

"Yeah, everyone basically goes here to eat".

"Wow I am so good at choosing original spots to take a girl for a date".

I shook my head at his words but couldn't help but smile.

"Jackson, how are you dong mate?" a familiar voice came from behind me cauing me to freeze. I stared at the menu until I felt I had burned a hole through it.

"Its been ages mate, I haven't seen you in over a year", Jackson grinned.

"Yeah this is my new girlfriend, Eliza", Luke replied. My heart raced at the sound of his voice, his voice that use to introduce me as his girlfriend.

"New girlfriend, so you finally dumped the last one", Jackson chuckled. My eyes widened at his words and I bit my lip. "The guys said she was a bit of a handful".

I quickly turned around before Luke could reply and his eyes widened when he realised it was me.

"Hi", I grimaced.

"Oh sorry for interrupting", Luke muttered.

"Wait did you guys date?" Jackson asked.

"Yep", I replied awkwardly. "I'm the ex girlfriend that was a bit of a handful".

Jackson shot me an apologetic look. It was fine, people had called me worse.

"Luke we better get going, your mum said she wanted us home before ten and it's already quarter too", Eliza sighed.

Luke nodded but his eyes were glued to mine. Eliza tugged his arm before he quickly shook his head and began to back away from me.


I felt my heart crush when he walked away. Not only was Eliza with my Luke, she also was with Amanda who had always treated me like a daughter. I felt my eyes burn as I turned back around and stared at the menu again.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all", Jackson laughed, and I forced a smile.

"Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress asked cheerily as she rejoined our table.

"Yes. Please", I sighed.


"What do you mean it's going terribly", Amber yelled down the phone at me. After one disasteredly starter I had escaped to the bathroom to 'freshen up'.

"I mean we bumped into Luke and Eliza when we arrived and I cannot get Luke out of my head. I want to be here with Luke, not Jackson. He's a great guy and he's extremely good looking but he's not Luke", I whinned.

"Hayley I am so sick of you and your constant crying over Luke. You are a strong independent woman and if Luke could so easily move on, then you need to do the same", she scolded and I sighed.

I knew she was right but it still didn't help me to rid all my feeling for Luke away.

"I just miss him", I whispered.

"I know you do but you need to move on. He wasn't the one and you need to accept that", Amber said gently, but nothing could soften the blow of her words. "But Jackson could be, so please give him a chance".

"Fine, love you. Bye".


The line went dead and I stuck my phone back in my bag. I hurried back out to Jack who was busy scrolling through his phone.

"I was about to call the fire deapartment, I thought you got stuck in the loo", he winked.

"You're an idiot", I laughed.

"I get called that a lot". 

"I forgot to ask but are you still in school?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be joining you seniors after the christmas break".

"Interesting, and what do you plan to do after school?"

"I'm not entirely sure but definitley something to do with the business end of things. What are your plans?"

"I have no clue, I am not good at anything", I sighed.

Soon thoughts of Luke drifted from my mind, which made talking to Jackson so much easier.

A/N: hey all, it's been a while but I'm back. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment xx

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