Hurt Feelings

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"What?" Amber laughed that afternoon after I recalled the conversation I had with our new maths teacher. "You're kidding, he wants to tutor you".

"Yeah because apparently I'm outrageously bad at it", I shrugged and she giggled some more. "Lets just hope there'll be others there because that would be extremely awkward". 

"Lets hope so", she giggled and lay back on my bed. "So did Luke make it home safely today?" 

I stared at her, oh shit Luke, I was meant to call him back. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number.

"Hey its Luke, leave a message".

"Yeah I was talking to him earlier but then I got interrupted. He won't answer me now". 

"I'm sure he's fine", she smiled gently at me. I shrugged, I wasn't worried about that. The last time I talked to him he was hanging out with two girls, that's what I'm worried about.

"Yeah I know he's fine. Amber it's just I can't help worrying that he's gonna get bored waiting around for me, you know he shares a room with a stunning model....okay she's not a model but she may as well be one. I'm just worried that they may get together, whether it be a drunken mistake or something that was bound to happen between them, I just feel so ill thinking about it". I lay on the bed beside Amber and she frowned at me.

"Look if that happens then it happens, there's  no point in making yourself so worried waiting for it to happen. Hayley right now he loves you so much, please don't destroy your relationship based on the fact that you are waiting for him to mess up. Look you make him accept your friendship with guys, why can't you accept his?"

"Well speaking from experience, no guy ever just wants to be friends with a girl", I said and smiled sadly. "Look I do trust him but it is still really hard". My phone rang then and I couldn't help but smile, it was Luke. 

"Luke", I sighed when I answered the phone. 

"You were ringing me?" he said.

"Yeah I was just calling to apologise for earlier, I'm sorry for cutting you off".

"Oh it's fine babe, also everyone wants you to come up soon to hang out with us". My heart stopped, did he mean hang out with his girl pals too.

"Yeah that would be so fun, well your birthday is next weekend I could come up for that?" I suggested. 

"Yeah that would be awesome. It hasn't even been twenty four hours and we're already talking about seeing eachother again", he chuckled. 

"We're just a pair of idiots", I smiled. "Okay well I'll call you tomorrow, have a nice day".

"Love you", he replied, before I hung up the phone.

"What?" I asked Amber who was staring at me.

"I'm just so jealous that you have a guy who thinks you are the most amazing person in the world", she sighed and I choked on my own laughter.

"Okay now you're being stupid".


"Mom I won't be home on time today, as I have tutoring in maths", I explained from the kitchen door.

"Okay but I didn't even know you were struggling in math", she stated.

"Bye", I called and left the house to catch the bus.

"So how did she react?" Lola asked me.

"I didn't realluy give her time to react. She'll probably give me a grilling this evening", I shrugged and Lola offered me a comforting smile. 

The bus pulled up and we got on. I sat at the back beside Conor. Tayler gave me a small wave and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you guys still salty with each other?" Conor asked and I pushed my tongue against the back of my teeth to keep myself from snapping.

I pushed my hair behind my ears and stuck my headphones in, I was going to ignore the bad energy today. My headphones were pulled from my ears and Conor sat smirking at me. 

"That was Tayler", he shrugged before I could accuse him and I glared at Tayler. 

"Why?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to ask you could we talk later". He looked serious so I shrugged before placing my headphones back in. I texted Luke a good morning message before I lost myself to the world of music. 

Eventually we reached the school and I reluctantly got off the bus and waited for Tayler. 

"Lets talk now", I stated and he followed me over to the bench at the side of the school. "Okay speak".

"Stop treating me like an animal", he spat and I glared at him. "Okay sorry, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday and before you say anything let me speak. I was just pissed of at something at home and I guess I took it out on you because you're kind of easy to pick on", he stated and I rubbed my forehead to keep myself from stressing.

"Thanks for apologising and I guess it's fine", I said but inside I was shocked, he did not seem the type to apologise over anything or maybe he was scared that I would tell Luke whom could destroy his relationship with Kiera. 

"Okay and please stop wearing short skirts", he grinned before he walked away. I looked down, well I was wearing yoga pants today idiot. 

The day went by as fast as a slug travelling on the motorway. It was now time for math tutor and I hurried into the classroom late...... as usual. 

"Please take a seat Hayley", Mr Williams sighed and I sat down. 

"Well hello Hayley", Tayler stated from beside me.

"You've got to be kidding me", I mumbled under my breath. 

"Did you think you'd get alone time with you math teacher?" he chuckled and I glared at him. Of course I was stuck with him for two hours. Two long boring hours of math. My phone rang a few minutes later, causing everyone to turn around and stare at me. I quickly put my phone on silent and stuffed it in my bag. 

"Sorry about that", I muttered and Mr. Williams sighed before he started his tutorial on Indices and logs. 

The two hours dragged on until Mr Williams finally dismissed the ten of us who needed extra help with math. 

I hurried out of the class but I was blocked at the doorway by no other then Tayler. Could he please just give me a break?

"You heading to the bonfire tonight?" he asked and I sighed, why was he always so desperate for conversation? 

I fixed my bags straps on my shoulders before I answered. "Yeah I am, heading down with a few friends. Are you?"

"Yeah Kiera's dragging me along", he chuckled as we began to walk out of the school. "Do you need a ride home?"

I stared at him for a moment utterly confused. People said girls were hard to understand but so were boys. One minute Tayler hated me and the next he was offering me a ride home. 

"Umm I'm okay but thanks", I smiled. 

"If you're sure, it's pretty late and-----".

I cut him off, "I said I'm okay". I walked away leaving him standing there with a frown on his face. 

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